JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) invites Islamic boarding schools to be involved in supporting efforts to control climate change in Indonesia. The oxygen alm campaign is clear evidence of the involvement of pesantren. "Persantren is one of the parties actively involved in planting and rehabilitating land, including the oxygen alm campaign," said Expert Minister of Environment and Forestry, Lia Istifhama in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, as confiscated by Antara. Lia highlighted the strategic role of female students in climate action. According to her, women ethically tend to have more empathy and concern than men.
Female students have strategic potential and roles not only to make efforts to preserve the environment individually, but are also able to invite friends and family to act ecologically. On July 6-9, 2023, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry held the Indonesia Climate Change Expo and Forum (ICCEF) in Surabaya, East Java. The exhibition aims to educate the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, to be part of the solution through various real actions to save the environment, one of which raised the strategic role of pesantren to mitigate climate change. 2023 ICCEF is a series of activities towards the international agenda 28th Conference of the Parties United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28 UNFCC) in 2023 which will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Academics Darussalam Gontor University, Syahruddin revealed that there are 5 million students throughout Indonesia who are educated to be caliphates in advance to manage the universe wisely. "The students teach their students to protect the earth in every daily activity such as saving ablution, processing waste into compost, including planting and caring for the environment," said Syahruddin.
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Meanwhile, Representative of the Nahdlatul Ulama Youth Group, Adil Satria Putra said that the various environmental damage impacts that are now felt are not a fate, but a result of human behavior. He also invited every human being to be more concerned about the sustainability of the environment. Head of the East Java Provincial Forestry Service, Jumadi explained that the East Java Provincial Government has a climate alms program through various seed distribution activities, tree planting movements, to the rehabilitation of critical land and preservation of mangrove ecosystems. "All of this continues to be carried out every year to anticipate global issues, namely climate change. Local governments always involve various elements of the community including a number of Islamic boarding schools to collaborate," said Jumadi. He further explained that trees function to absorb carbon and provide oxygen for life. The movement for the rehabilitation of critical land and mangrove ecosystems through the East Java Governor's Circular was able to suppress critical land within the last four years. "We have succeeded in recovering a number of real government actions and various elements of society. In the future, we will continue to encourage climate change mitigation efforts with the parties to jointly preserve the environment," concluded Jumadi.
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