
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo offered two former victims of past gross human rights violations (HAM) due to the 1965-1966 Incident, Sudaryanto and Jaroni Soerjomartono, to regain Indonesian citizenship (WNI).

The offer was conveyed by President Jokowi when launching the Non-Judicial Settlement Program for Serious Human Rights Violations in Pidie, Aceh, which was attended directly by Sudaryanto and Jaroni Soerjomartono.

"Mr. Daryanto and Mr. Soerjo want to become an Indonesian citizen again or not?" Jokowi asked as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

The offer was answered by Sudaryanto who admitted that his status as an Indonesian citizen had been planned but he still needed to convince his family in Russia, including his three grandchildren.

President Jokowi responded by understanding that the Sudaryanto family did not necessarily want if offered to become an Indonesian citizen.

"Not necessarily (I want to), but if I'm convinced I think so," said Sudaryanto, who is now 81 years old.

Meanwhile, Jaroni Soerjomartono stated that he did not have further plans regarding the recovery of his Indonesian citizen status.

The reason is, the man who is now 80 years old even admitted that he did not expect that he would receive an offer and accept the restoration of his rights during his life.

"This kind of situation made me a surprise. I didn't think that there could be steps (recovery rights) in (while) I was still alive," said Jaroni Soerjomartono.

Jaroni Soerjomartono assessed that the steps to restore these rights are historical, especially for the younger generation of Indonesia so that they can look forward to not being trapped by past gross human rights violations.

"Frankly, this is something very historic, not only for me, I'm no longer anything, especially for the younger generation to come forward," he said.

President Jokowi emphasized that if Sudaryanto and Jaroni Soerjomartono are willing to restore their citizenship status, the government is ready to follow up.

"If you want to return to being an Indonesian citizen, I am happy and I think all of us are happy. To show that this country is indeed protecting its citizens," said Jokowi.

Previously, Jaroni Soerjomartono had told that he was studying in Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic, ed.) with government scholarships, but his passport with 16 other Indonesian students was revoked after refusing to sign approval for the new government after the 1965-1966 Incident.

Meanwhile, Sudaryanto, who studied in Moscow, Russia, on scholarships from the Government of the Soviet Union, had to get his Indonesian passport and citizenship revoked for refusing to condemn Bung Karno.

In Pidie, Sudaryanto and Jaroni Soerjomartono received an initial rights recovery in the form of tariff-free for the manufacture of a limited stay permit (Thursday) card.

During the launch, the President stressed that injuries caused by past gross human rights violations must be restored immediately so that Indonesia can move forward.

"This is to restore the nation's injuries due to past gross human rights violations that left heavy burdens on the victims and the families of the victims. Therefore, this wound must be restored immediately so that we are able to move forward," said Jokowi.

The program is a follow-up to President Jokowi's statement on January 11, 2023, that the Indonesian government acknowledged gross human rights violations in 12 events in the past.

The 12 incidents were 1965-1966 Incident, 1982-1985 Mysterious Shooting Incident, 1989 Talangsari Incident in Lampung, Geudong Rumoh Incident and Sattis Post in Aceh 1989, 1997-1998 Forced Disappearance Incident, and May 1998 Riot Incident.

Then Trisakti and Semanggi I-II 1998-1999 Incidents, 1998-1999 Shaman Murder Incident, 1999 Aceh KKA Intersection Incident, 2001-2002 Papua Wasior Incident, 2003 Papua Wamena Incident, and 2003 Aceh Keupok Jambo Incident.

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