
JAKARTA - The frequency of flights from several cities in China to several cities in Indonesia continues to be increased frequently by increasing the intensive movement of people in the two countries.

There are three airlines from Indonesia that bridge the inter-community relations between the two countries. Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, and Lion Air, are three airlines from Indonesia that flew to China according to local civil aviation authority data monitored from Beijing on Sunday.

Garuda Indonesia flies from Jakarta to Shenzhen then returns via Manado every day. Citilink flights the Jakarta-Kunming PP route every Friday. Then every Monday there is Lion Air flying on the Jakarta-Wuhan PP route.

Launching Antara, Sunday, the Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun positively welcomed the increase in flight schedules between the two countries.

According to him, this will help accelerate the recovery of Indonesia's national economy, especially the tourism sector.

Meanwhile, almost all Chinese airlines serve flights to Indonesia.

China's water, which previously only flew once a week on the Beijing-Jakarta PP route three times, is every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

In addition, there are three Chinese airlines that serve passengers to Denpasar, Bali, namely Xiamen Airlines from Xiamen City every day.

Then China Eastern Airlines from Denpasar to Shanghai every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, while the opposite direction is every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

China Southern Airlines serves the Guangzhou-Denpasar route every day starting July 1, 2023.

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