
JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto and Chairman of the OmbudsmanMokhamad Najih signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) related to improving the quality of public services in the fields of Agrarian and Spatial Planning.

The Minister of ATR/BPN said that one of the keys in optimizing services for the community is the existence of an understanding between stakeholders to solve people's problems.

"So far, land issues, especially land conflicts, are due to sectoral egos between ministries and institutions. However, I am sure that if all parties can sit down together, there will be no problems that cannot be resolved," Hadi said in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 16.

Hadi said this collaboration is an effort by the Ministry of ATR/BPN and the Ombudsman in improving the quality of public services so that the Indonesian people feel the presence of the state in the field of land and spatial services.

He then gave an example, the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program has been shown to revolutionaryally increase the issuance of certificates accurately from 500 thousand per year to 6-7 million per year.

Kementerian ATR/BPN mengaku ingin terus memberikan kemudahan masyarakat melalui pelayanan yang prima. Selama turun ke lapangan dan mendengar keluhan dari masyarakat. Hadi mengetahui mahalnya biaya pelayan pertanaan karena adanya praktik calo.

"What makes it expensive turns out to be brokers. So I launched the Weekend Land Service Program (PELATARAN) and a priority counter that gave a red carpet to people who took care of their own land themselves," said Hadi.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Ombudsman, Mokhamad Najih expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Ministry of ATR/BPN which is now getting better because it has succeeded in reducing the number of public complaints. For him, the decline is a consequence of improving the services carried out.

According to him, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has greatly improved in service rankings to the community. In 2022, the number of public complaints has decreased compared to the previous year.

"This is inseparable from the hard work of the Minister of ATR/BPN, I even hear that now ATR/BPN have an internal public complaint mechanism. I think this is what causes the number of complaints to decrease in 2022," said Mokhamad Najih.

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