PONTIANAK - Head of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Dinkes), Erna Yulianti, said there was an increase in cases of rabies bites in West Kalimantan where from January to June 2023 there were 1,775 cases of bite in West Kalimantan and 10 of them died.
"Throughout 2023, as of June 7, 2023, there have been 10 residents in two districts in West Kalimantan Province who were declared dead due to rabies. Of the 10 people, 7 people died in Sintang Regency and 3 others in Landak Regency," he said in Pontianak as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.
Regarding this case, his party made efforts to control rabies cases by conducting cross-sectoral or cross-program socialization at the regional level together with the district/city Animal Health Office, puskesmas, sub-district head and village officials.
He said based on the results of an epidemiological investigation, it showed that all cases of death due to rabies infection case were not reported to health care facilities.
"It is known, most of the deaths from rabies were due to the slow treatment carried out by the community who were late in bringing patients to the nearest health facility. Residents felt they were just a small bite, and did not bleeding so that residents came to health facilities already in severe condition, often a month after being bitten and causing death cases in victims who died," he said.
Related to this, his party has also distributed rabies vaccines to a number of districts/cities, especially in Landak and Sintang.
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"To prevent a bite from occurring, for people who will care for animals, it is hoped that they will not take animals from the location of rabies and have not been vaccinated against rabies," he said.
He explained that the first prevention if there is a bite of a rabies-contagious animal in humans is to wash the wound for 15 minutes using soap in running water.
Selanjutnya segera laporkan ke fasilitas perawatan kesehatan terdekat untuk mendapatkan vaksin anti rabies atau serum anti rabies ( sesuai indikasi), perawatan luka dan segera mengamankan anak yang menganut.
"Then, report to the official animal health officer in charge of the health function of the animals in their respective areas for observation," said ERnaYulianti.
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