
JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office confiscated three plots of land covering an area of 11.7 hectares belonging to the Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara. "The confiscation was carried out based on the Determination of the Deputy Chairperson of the Labuan Bajo District Court Number: 98/Pen.Pid.B-SITA/2023/Pn Lbj dated June 7, 2023 and the Investigation Order Number: 98/F.2/Fd.2/06/2023 dated June 7, 2023," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) Ketut Sumedana in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, June 8. Ketut said related confiscation activities in cases of alleged corruption in the provision of supporting infrastructure packages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 BAKTI of the Ministry of Communication and Information for 2020-2022. On Wednesday (24/5), Jampidsus investigators at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office also confiscated assets belonging to four suspects, including the assets of the inactive Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate. Other assets belonged to suspects Anang Achmad Latif (AAL), Gahole Menak (GMS), and Irwan Hermawan (IH). The assets confiscated from each suspect included five units of four-wheeled vehicles, two units of two-wheeled vehicles, and four plots of land. In a corruption case that cost the state finances Rp8.3 trillion, investigators have named seven suspects, namely Anang Achmad Latif (AAL) as President Director of BAKTI Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Gahole Menak (GMS) as President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Yohan Suryanto (YS) as a Human Development (HUDEV) expert at the University of Indonesia in 2020, Mukti Ali (MA) a suspect from PT Huwaei Technology Investment, and Irwan Hermawan (IH) as Commissioner of PT Solitchmedia Synergy. Then, Johnny G. Plate and Windi Purnama, as confidants of the suspect Irwan Hermawan (IH).
Five of the seven suspects have been transferred to the case files of the suspect and evidence to the public prosecutor (JPU) of the South Jakarta District Attorney, namely AAL, GMS, YS, MA, and IH; while Johnny G. Plate and Windi Purnama are still in process.

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