GARUT - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Garut, West Java, has prepared a vaccine to prevent the spread of the Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) disease in cattle and buffalo so as not to continue to spread.
"There are still few local resources, but I don't want to take any risks. So now we have made efforts to ask for help, this is how we can overcome it, including the vaccine," said Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan in Garut, Antara, Tuesday, June 6.
The Garut Regency Government through the Fisheries and Livestock Service has tried to anticipate by examining the health condition of livestock to find out whether they have contracted LSD or not. The LSD outbreak caught the attention of the local government (Pemda).
Moreover, before Eid al-Adha, all livestock must be ensured to be in good health.
"What this LSD is of concern to me, it has been closed several times, so we have asked the central government for help, to the province regarding the lab test," said Rudy.
He conveyed that the outbreak of skin disease which is currently reported to have attacked the cow has received serious treatment, by conducting examinations and also prevention so as not to spread.
"Regions that were reported there were LSD cases, said Rudy, namely in Bayongbong District and several other sub-districts. Everything has been handled by veterinarians," he said.
"We will do it optimally, so how can LSD be reduced in central areas," he said.
He conveyed that the problem of the LSD outbreak in Garut had also been reported to the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and asked to bring in special experts in dealing with the outbreak.
In addition, he continued, the local government has also prepared an animal health team to carry out examinations, trace, and prevent, by separating livestock infected with LSD from other livestock.
"So it's contagious to other cows, right now many people have taken cows from Java," he said.
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