
PANGKALPINANG - Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Bangka Belitung Islands Province found 43 cattle infected with the Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), which was marked by a lumped cow's skin. "The cow infected with LSD is still safe for consumption and does not spread to humans," said the Animal Health Coordinator of the Agriculture and Food Security Service Babel Correy Wahyu Adi S in Pangkalpinang, Antara, Tuesday, June 6. He said as many as 43 cows infected with LSD were found in Central Bangka Regency with 25 heads and Pangkalpinang City with 18 tails, because "We have carried out treatment for animals infected with LSD, through treatment and injections with anti-parasitics and vitamins to prevent transmission of this LSD virus," he said. According to him, the transmission and spread of the LSD virus is quite fast from cows to other cows through touch, blood-eating insects, such as mosquitoes, caplak and flies, direct contact between sick animals and healthy animals. In addition, transmission from a sick mother to a child in the womb and through milk, a sterile syringe that is used repeatedly and feed and drinking water that is polluted by the animal infected with this virus. "Currently we are continuing to try to prevent transmission of this virus and livestock contracting LSD can cause death, because it is weak, does not want to eat and drink," he said. He stated that the case of animal mortality due to LSD is still low, if it is handled quickly.
"If he can survive, he will have immunity for life, this virus is quite resistant to environmental temperatures, but can't stand the acidic atmosphere, so one of the preventors is by being watered on a cow's body which has indications of bentols with citric acid," he said.

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