
The Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) is still waiting for the legal process for the state civil apparatus (ASN) who was proven to have tortured domestic assistants (ART) to impose sanctions on these individuals. In recognition to the police, the victim's initials DL was abused and forced not to wear a single outfit because there was dirt that had not been cleaned. "We are still waiting for the legal process because we must respect the performance of the police," said Bandar Lampung City Inspector Roby Suliska Sobri in Bandar Lampung, Antara, Tuesday, May 30. If the ASN is legally guilty according to law, it will impose disciplinary sanctions on the civil servant (PNS). "ASN works at the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BPKAD)," he said. He also reminded all ASNs to maintain their behavior while working in their service and when outside their agencies, including at home. "ASN must maintain its behavior both at work and outside of work," he said. Meanwhile, Bandar Lampung Mayor Eva Dwiana said that currently the local city government is also investigating the case that ensnared the local city's ASN. "We have come there, this is being investigated again. Hopefully we can decide the best. The report is that ASN rarely comes in, at this time the government has not been able to make direct decisions," he said. The Bandarlampung Police have arrested SU (60) and his son SA (35), as suspects in the abuse of a household assistant (ART) with the initials DL (23) and DDR (15). Both are residents of Nusantara Permai Housing, Sukabumi Village, Sukabumi District, Bandar Lampung.
The case was revealed after the two household members who worked with the suspect fled their homes and made a report to the Bandar Lampung Police, then admitted to experiencing abuse, harassment and threats of murder while working at the homes of the two suspects.

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