
PALEMBANG - The Provincial Government of South Sumatra (Sumsel) received as many as 6,000 doses of vaccine from the Ministry of Agriculture to overcome the transmission of Tegere throat disease in cattle and buffalo in the local area.

"Thousands of doses of the vaccine arrived this morning and are currently stored in the medicine storage warehouse that has been provided," said Head of the South Sumatra Province Food and Livestock Security Service Ruzuan Effendi, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 24.

According to him, the vaccine was immediately distributed to cattle and buffalo producing areas such as Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir, and Ogan Komering Ilir, North Musi Rawas, and Empat Lawang Regencies.

"The number of vaccines distributed will be adjusted to the level of urgency and the buffalo population in the area," he said.

However, he said, specifically for North Musi Rawas, 1,000 doses were allocated.

"This is because the buffalo population in the area is quite large, which is around 2,000 heads as well as an endemic area for Tegere throat disease," he said.

The South Sumatra Food Security and Livestock Service confirmed as many as 30 buffalo in North Musi Rawas died suddenly last week due to contracting the disease named Latin Septicia epizootica.

Vaccine injection is carried out by local district livestock health workers where per one dose of vaccine with a capacity of 200 cc is intended for 100 buffalo and cows.

"The injection of the vaccine is intended for healthy livestock so that their immunity increases and does not contract the disease," said Ruzuan.

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