
JAKARTA - National Awakening Day must be able to be a driving force in instilling the spirit of the younger generation to rise and play an active role in every development sector in the country.

Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Lestari Moerdijat stated that there have been many changes in a number of sectors in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, which have an impact on the emergence of various challenges in various fields, it is considered important to invite all elements of the nation to rise to answer these challenges.

"The nation's next generation must really understand the background of the emergence of events which were considered as National Awakening in 1908 which were fully initiated by youths at that time, so that they could inspire every step of the nation's children today," he said, Saturday, May 20.

According to him, various momentum to rise through the potential that this nation has must really be utilized as much as possible. This is so that opportunities to win competition in various fields can continue to open up.

When viewed by data from the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2022, the majority of the productive age owned by this nation is 69.3 percent. They must be able to play an active role in the development process.

The productive age group, which is dominated by the younger generation, must continue to be encouraged to have the spirit to realize revival in various sectors in various ways in order to create a better Indonesia.

"It takes a strong commitment from all children of the nation to realize the spirit of national revival in various fields, in the midst of a development process that is colored by various challenges in the political, economic, social and cultural sectors that this nation is facing," he said.

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