
JAKARTA - The General Election Commission for Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, stated that the requirements for the registration documents for prospective district DPRD members for the 2024 General Election from the PDI-P Party and the complete NasDem. Chairman of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the Kulon Progo KPU Tri Mulatsih said, entering the eleventh day, the registration stage for the Kulon Progo Regency DPRD candidate for the 2024 General Election, the Kulon Progo Regency KPU has just received a proposal for a candidate for DPRD member from the PDI-P and the National Democratic Party (NasDem). The two parties came in succession to the KPU of Kulon Progo Regency, along with candidates for legislative members along with sympathizers. "After checking the documents and matching them with the fulfillment of requirements through the nomination information system (Silon), the registration application is declared complete and accepted," said Tri Mulatsih in Kulon Progo, Antara, Friday, May 12. As a receipt sign, the Kulon Progo Regency KPU published a report on the receipt of documents and handed them over to party leaders. "Furthermore, administrative verification of the truth and depth of the registration document will be carried out from May 15 to June 23, 2023," he said. Meanwhile, Chairman of KPU Kulon Progo Ibah Muthiah said that since the opening of the registration of prospective candidates for the Kulon Progo DPRD for the 2024 Legislative Election on May 1, 2023, until now only two political parties have submitted registration documents. "We urge you to register prospective legislative candidates for the 2024 General Election, not on May 14. If possible, registration will be carried out on May 12th because if it is carried out on May 14, 2023, the nomination information system (Silon) cannot be strongly entered by registrants from all over Indonesia," said Ibah. He said registration carried out before May 14 through Silon was easier. Registration of smooth files. For example, registration files for prospective legislative members carried out collectively are directly uploaded and stored. "Thus, when registering directly, it can be uploaded without any problems," he said.
As is known, today is scheduled to register prospective legislative candidates from PAN and PKS.

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