JATENG - Hundreds of tobacco farmers in Temanggung Regency demonstrated against the Health Bill article 154 paragraph 3 which equates tobacco with addictive substances such as psychotropic substances and narcotics.
"This is the same thing, there will be a kind of illegalization of tobacco so that tobacco is considered illegal goods, the impact will automatically harm farmers," said Head of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association (APTI) of Temanggung Regency, Siyamin during a demonstration, Thursday, May 11, which was confiscated by Antara.
The mass action of the farmers took place in the courtyard of the Temanggung DPRD Building. The representatives of farmers were received by the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Temanggung DPRD.
Meanwhile, when carrying out the action at the Temanggung Regent's Office, they were received directly by the Temanggung Regent M. Al Khadziq.
He said, because this threatens or endangers tobacco farmers, his party came to the DPRD to convey demands that the Health Bill article 154 which equates tobacco to addictive substances such as psychotropic substances to be revoked.
The chairman of the Temanggung Regency DPRD, Yunianto, said that the aspirations of farmers who reject the Health Bill, especially Article 154 paragraph 3, which equates with addictive substances such as psychotropic substances and narcotics, need to be reviewed.
"The DPR RI together with the government, especially Commission IX, will be able to review it so that what these farmers demand is to be granted," he said.
Temanggung Regent M. Al Khadziq said that he had studied the Health Bill, especially articles 154 to 158, mostly only regulating tobacco.
"What is wrong with tobacco in Indonesia, tobacco is nothing wrong, even tobacco is proven to absorb more than 30 million cigarette factory workers throughout Indonesia, then tobacco also employs farmers in more than 10 provinces in Indonesia," he said.
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Tobacco products can also contribute to the state budget of more than IDR 170 trillion every year, tobacco excise is also used to pay BPJS for the poor.
"If tobacco is equated with narcotics now, meaning that planting tobacco is the same as growing marijuana, then tobacco will be banned and the state will lose money," he said.
Khadziq agreed with the farmers who took action to ask the DPR to amend the Health Bill which equates tobacco with other addictive substances such as psychotropics and narcotics.
"The Temanggung Regency Government is ready to oversee, not only here, we are ready to go to Jakarta to guard Jakarta. Want to send a letter to the DPR, to the ministry, the president is also ready," he said.
He emphasized that the Temanggung Regency Government is ready to provide input in the preparation of the health bill, because this transports the livelihoods of all farmers in Temanggung Regency.
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