
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, conveyed a message from the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in a series of events at the 42nd High Level Conference held in Labuan Bajo, NTT.

The message from AIPA as a parliamentary forum for Southeast Asian countries starts from the issue of peace to the green economy.

AIPA Message was conveyed by Puan in the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting which is a plenary session at the ASEAN Summit between government leaders and leaders of Southeast Asian countries.

This meeting aims to discuss important issues related to regional integration and ASEAN interests, as well as coordinate efforts between the government and parliament in overcoming these problems.

ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting was held at the Meruorah Hotel, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, NTT, Wednesday, May 10. The event was opened by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who is the Chair of ASEAN this year.

In front of 11 Southeast Asian leaders and AIPA members, Puan explained the theme raised in AIPA Massage or AIPA messages, namely, 'Responsive Parliaments for A Stable and Prosperous ASEAN' or Responsive Parliament for ASEAN Stable and Prosperous'. This is in line with the theme of the ASEAN 2023 Summit, namely ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth.

"In our perspective as parliament, this theme is not only the main guideline in discussing various issues in the region, but the results of the discussion are expected to be a strategic input in strengthening the government's efforts to realize ASEAN which continues to be relevant," said Puan who delivered AIPA Message in English.

"At the same time reaping various advantages of its potential economic growth," he continued.Puan explained, the recommendation in AIPA Massage's first is for Southeast Asian countries to maintain peace, unity, centrality and vitality of ASEAN as a factor that guarantees peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

"Secondly to encourage strong and sustainable economic growth in the region, to improve ASEAN's resilience response capability while focusing on energy and food security in the context of a dynamic global region and community," said Puan.

AIPA Message The third is so that Southeast Asian countries continue to promote the economy or green investment and encourage sustainable balance in accordance with the agreement and legal policy in ASEAN. Puan's fourth AIPA message is regarding the increased operational efficiency of the ASEAN mechanism and its partners, including AIPA.

"Fifth, encourage innovation, transfer, application and development of science and technology for sustainable growth and development," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan hopes that AIPA Message can provide good opportunities for ASEAN country leaders to exchange views and ideas on issues that have an impact on the region. According to him, the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface meeting is important because it aims to discuss ways in which ASEAN can increase its role and strengthen cooperation with its partners.

"At the same time increasing her position as a key player in the regional and global community," explained Puan.

"It will also provide opportunities for leaders to discuss ongoing efforts to increase regional integration, including the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025," he added.

As President of AIPA 2023, Puan wants the ASEAN Community development process to take full responsibility and make ASEAN centrality and neutrality the only guiding principle to promote regional harmony. Then also so that Southeast Asian countries can coexist peacefully for the sake of mutual prosperity.

"In order to achieve three responsive, stable and prosperous pillars, we Parliament Members of AIPA must also build synergies and work hand in hand with our respective governments," said Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson added that the government cannot and must not work alone in responding to complex challenges faced by the nation and people. Puan said AIPA has an important and constructive role in improving parliamentary diplomacy and in supporting ASEAN to become a center of stronger growth and resilience.

"Legal support in encouraging the government to make the right and fast decisions is needed in an effort to respond to developments and challenges facing the region," he said.

In the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting, Puan also mentioned the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. He said ASEAN must maintain an open and inclusive mechanism for the development of peace and the prevention of conflict, as well as ensure that ASEAN remains a reliable and strong force to overcome the challenges of peace and security in the region and its surroundings. "Regarding this, our Parliament AIPA members are committed to working with the ASEAN executive branch to restore peace and democracy in Myanmar," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives also mentioned prosperity for all Southeast Asian people. Puan said that there should be no discrimination in any form in the region, especially since ASEAN member countries have worked collectively to create the ASEAN Economic Community.

AIPA member parliament can help advocate policies that promote narrowing development gaps, inclusive growth, regional resilience and sustainable development, thus creating prosperity and justice in Southeast Asia, "he explained. "It is important to achieve inclusive socio-economic growth so that we can make ASEAN the Epicentrum of Growth that leaves no one behind," continued Puan.

Furthermore, Puan said that the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting this time was quite special because ASEAN welcomed Timor Leste as a new member. He welcomed Timor Leste's membership in ASEAN and AIPA.

"This year, we hope that ASEAN under the presidency of Indonesia can strengthen existing efforts to ensure a more stable and prosperous area," he said, winning the two Honoris Causa Doctorate degrees.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi, who acted as chairman of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, thanked all parliaments in Southeast Asia for contributing to helping the governments of ASEAN countries. Especially in policies during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency so that handling can be done quickly.

In the long term, the role of parliament is also very much needed in compiling the ASEAN agenda in 2045. We must ensure that ASEAN is able to respond and resilience faces challenges so that it becomes a center of growth and becomes a safe, stable and democratic area," said Jokowi.

"The collaboration between the government and parliament must be strengthened to maintain and strengthen political and democratic stability in order to make the ASEAN Epicentrum of Growth," he concluded.

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