
CIANJUR - Bangkai flower or the type of Amorphophallus Titanum blooms perfectly in the Cibodas Botanical Garden, the corpse flower that blooms today is a specimen of the collection of corpse flowers in the area where the previous corpse flower grew in the Cibodas Botanical Garden.

The life cycle of the Bangkai Flower experienced three phases, namely the vegetative (leaved) phase, the generative (flowered) phase and the dorman phase (rest). In the Cibodas Botanical Gardens this flower is planted in VAK IB28. Although the geographical location of the Cibodas Botanical Gardens is relatively higher than its natural habitat, this plant can grow and adapt well.

General Manager of Corporate Communication of Bogor Botanical Gardens as the manager of the Cibodas Kebun Raya, Zaenal Arifin, said that based on flowering data, Bunga Bangkai itself blooms for the first time in 2003 with a flower height of 2.7 meters.

Then, in 2007 it reached a height of 3.17 meters, in 2011 the flower height was 3.2 meters, and in 2016 it reached a height of 3.735 meters, and in May 2020 it reached a height of 3.52 meters.

"For this time in 2023, the height of the corpse flower reached 2.10 meters," said Zaenal, Thursday, April 27. For information, the Amorphophallus titanum was first discovered by Odoardo coverri, an Italian botanical expert in 1878, in Valley Anai, West Sumatra (Poerba & Yuzammi 2008). This type only grows endemically in the tropical rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia. This growth generally lives in secondary forests where the plant and surrounding conditions are not too tight and dark. In forests (virgin forest) whose trees grow very high and the surrounding conditions are dark, Bangkai flowers cannot even grow.

The land you want is land that has a good aeracy, full bursts of humus or on pumpur soil. Plants well at an altitude of 0-1,200 m dpl (Poerba & Yuzammi 2008).

Amorphophallus Titanum or corpse flower will bloom perfectly today in less than a week at the Cibodas Botanical Gardens.

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