
PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. has extended the one way route since 10.35 WIB. Traffic Engineering (traffic) one way is valid from KM 68 Jakarta-Cikampek toll road to KM 414 Toll Gate (GT) Kalikangkung Toll Road Batang-Semarang.

This is done by considering traffic volume data for vehicles that has increased significantly from the direction of Jakarta to the East since early this morning, CCTV visual monitoring, and police officers reports in the field.

"To maximize transaction capacity at GT Cikampek Utama towards Cikampek when implementing one way since 12.00 WIB, Jasa Marga has operated a total of 28 toll substations, as well as the addition of 17 mobile reader units to maximize road user transactions heading towards Cikampek," said PT Jasa Marga Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana in a written statement, Wednesday, April 19.

With the promotion of the one way point at KM 68, road users from Cikampek heading towards Jakarta will be diverted to Bukit Indah City to re-enter the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta via GT Kalihurip 2.

Another traffic engineering that applies on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Cikampek is the one lane contra flow from KM 36 to KM 47 which is followed by a two-way contra flow from KM 47 to KM 68 from 09.35 WIB.

"We urge road users heading towards Bandung via the Cipularang Toll Road, not to take the contra flow lane. Contra flow is only intended for road users heading east via the Trans Java Toll Road," said Lisye.

Jasa Marga also urges road users to always be careful when driving, obey signs, and follow directions from officers in the field. Ensure adequate supplies, electronic money balances, and fuel before entering the toll road to make the trip more comfortable.

"Observe traffic conditions through real-time CCTV on toll roads through the Travoy application. The latest traffic information and traffic service requests can also be obtained through the Jasa Marga One Call Center at 14080, Twitter @PTJASAMARGA, the Travoy application and Jasa Marga's official social media," he added.

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