JAKARTA - The police arrested two suspected perpetrators of the murder and robbery of the inn boss, Naima S Bachmid (61). Both were arrested in Banyuwangi, East Java.
"We have secured the perpetrators in the Banyuwangi area," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Indriwienny Panjiyoga to reporters, Tuesday, April 18.
However, regarding the suspicion that they were assistants to the victim, it has not yet been revealed. It was only conveyed that the two had the initials F and S.
The reason is that the two suspected perpetrators are still undergoing investigation. Thus, their involvement is still being investigated.
"Meanwhile, we are investigating the perpetrators," said Panjiyoga.
Naima S Bachmid was found dead with his hands tied and his mouth covered with duct tape at the hotel as well as his residence in the Assirot Street area, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.
اقرأ أيضا:
The allegation about the perpetrator being an assistant to the victim was revealed by the Naima S Bachmid family. Because, after the murder they disappeared.
"If we are currently at home there are 2 assistants. Since the incident they have not been found, we don't know who (the real perpetrator) is. Later, those who know more about the police investigation process," said Martin, the victim's attorney.
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