
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) asks the public to remain independent even though there are currently a number of cases of exchanging QRIS code stickers in charity boxes placed in places of worship. Kasubdit Kemasjidan, Ditjen Bimas Islam, Kementerian Agama, Akmal Salim Rumhana mengimbau jemaah masjid untuk tetap berinfaq dengan memastikan rekening tujuan yang tercatat di aplikasi peminda barcode adalah rekening masjid, bukan nama orang. "People or congregation members of the mosque need to be more careful when they want to use QRIS. Check the name of the destination account. Of course it is the same as the name of the mosque, not someone's name. Make sure of that," said Akmal in his statement, Tuesday, April 11. Akmal emphasized that the exchange of QRIS codes was clearly a criminal act for stealing people's funds. He said the case was a lesson for the congregation to be more careful, not used as an excuse not to invest in mosques. Furthermore, Akmal also hopes that this case can encourage mosque administrators to continue to improve mastery of digital technology. "Hopefully this case provides lessons for us to be more vigilant and technology literate, not an excuse to be reluctant to invest in mosques. The digitization of mosque finances (with the use of QRIS) which functions for the transparency of mosque finances needs to be pursued," he explained. Recently, viral action was discussed by the QRIS code exchange of charity boxes with a QRIS sticker sticking. As a result, the congregation's infaq was not sent to the mosque account, but entered the perpetrator's account. The police are also investigating the case of an online payment system sticker using a QRIS code attached to a charity box in a number of South Jakarta mosques. It is suspected that the action of attaching a Qris sticker was carried out not only in one location.
Now, the perpetrators of replacing the QRIS barcode have been arrested in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta. Currently, the person concerned is still being investigated at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters.

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