
BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java Police arrested a young mother with the initials TF, an investment mode for buying and selling rare animals such as the Bengal Tiger for Rp. 200 million.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor City Police, AKP Rizka Fadhila Secar, explained that the arrest of TF began with the report of the victim with the initials EED who had deposited Rp200 million for the Bengal Tiger investment, but until now the money has not returned, let alone profit.

"So the victim reported that the money did not return and the suspect continued to avoid taking responsibility, when he was summoned by the police and the suspect was not cooperative until we finally took him to the Polresta," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 3.

Rizka conveyed that TF adjustments its victims by meeting directly and showing videos of rare animals that he admits will be sold for a number of benefits.

To the victims, TF also claimed to have access to the relevant agencies to obtain a license to purchase rare animals from abroad and re-trade domestically.

"So the suspect actually does not have access to related agencies that can give permission for rare animals or buy rare animals," he explained.

AKP merunut penipuan yang dilakukan TF dimulai pada 26 Juni 2022 di salah satu kafe di Kota Bogor, ia meminta sejumlah uang sebesar Rp200.000.000.000 kepada EED dan menjanji keuntungan sebesar Rp100.000.000 sehingga membuat korban tertarik menginvestkan uangnya untuk penjualan petang langka harima harima benggal tersebut.

At that time, EED sent money through Bank Mandiri's e-banking to TF accounts of Rp. 30 million and sent the rest on June 27, 2022. The transaction was based on a statement of cooperation between the two.

However, up to the date determined, it was stated in a statement that the victim's cooperation in the money was not returned and it was known that the victim's money was not used for the purpose of paying the tigers.

EED felt restless because TF could no longer be contacted, so it was considered that there was no good faith and was reported to the Bogor City Police Satreskrim with proof of printed proof of transfer and printed a screenshot of WhatAspp messages. EED also suffered a loss of Rp. 200,000,000.

"There are several animals promised, on average, there are tigers. For their actions, the perpetrators on behalf of TF are threatened with fraud and embezzlement with a penalty of four years in prison," said AKP Rizka.

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