
JAKARTA - Chrissie Hynde feels guilty for the death of his former bandmates at Pretenders, Pete Farndon and James Honeyman-Scott.

The 72-year-old female vocalist formed a rock group Pretenders in 1978 with Farndon (bass), Honeyman-Scott (main guitar), and Martin Chambers (drums).

Honeyman-Scott died of heart failure caused by cocaine intolerance in 1982. He is 25 years old.

Two days earlier, Farndon was fired from The Pretenders for using heroin.

Farndon later died the following year at the age of 30. He drowned in the bathtub after losing consciousness due to a heroin overdose.

In a recent interview with Record Collector magazine, Hynde explained that she "does not hinder" the drug habit that causes the musicians' premature death.

"I sin. It's not a big deal if you are guilty. So, it's big if you feel guilty and you're innocent," he said (via Radio X).

But if you're really guilty, then you have to raise your hand and say, Wrong as alleged

Hynde continued: 'I'm not banning the use of drugs, and I'm part of it. So, you know, I'm not their mother, and we travel, and it's very hard.

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