JAKARTA - Princess Ariani has shown that music can also be learned by those with special needs, especially for a visually disabled person.
On many occasions, the 17-year-old's appearance amazed many people by his talents, especially his last appearance at the 2023 America's Got Talent (AGT) received praise from all over the world.
Behind Princess Ariani's recent appearance, there is a real combination of God's gift and hard work to learn music.
Princess Ariani, while undergoing the 2023 AGT audition, is known to be studying formal music at SMKN 2 Bantul, formerly known as Yogyakarta Music Middle School.
Putri started her education at the school in 2021. She chose the flute as a major instrument. He has also appeared as a solo vocalist in a school concert.
What Princess Ariani showed showed showed that formal music education which includes musical practices and musical theories can also be carried out by those with visual disabilities.
Based on an article published by the University of Washington in Washington.edu, those with visual disabilities are also able to read and create music participants, as well as record music with the help of computers.
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Those with neutral disabilities can use the Sibelius Speaking program, which is a combination of JAWS screenwriters and Sibelius to program music partures
Net people can also convert Sibelius' music parture into a Goodfeel program.
Meanwhile, to record the audio and Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), net disabled people can use the JAWS screenwriter with the Caketalking script to create a digital audio multitrack.
Through this program, net disabled people can convert MIDI files, add effects to them and make final results in the form of musical works.
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