
JAKARTA - Rieka Roslan again voiced his frustration over economic rights for a songwriter.

He complained about the right to announce (performing rights) obtained from his songs.

Through an upload on his Instagram account, the former vocalist of The Groove showed a year-long total income for performing rights.

Riyalti performs live Rieka Roslan's songs 1 year 130,000, wrote Rieka Roslan, viewed Tuesday, September 5.

"How can songwriters live," he continued.

Rieka Roslan questioned Wahana Musik Indonesia (WAMI)'s ability to collect royalties from his songs.

He believes that the songs are still being played a lot at music events, such as the song In The Past, Khayalan, and Oh Kasih which were mostly performed at cafes to music festivals.

Not to mention the song that Krisdayanti performed, Try to be Loyal, and allow Menyayangmu to be sung by Iwan Fals.

"I'm often sent by netizens when someone performs my songs. There are still a lot of them," said Rieka.

"Just buy what 130,000: 12?? = 10,833. Confused, yes, wrong protest, not unreasonable protests," said UUHC, "he added.

The upload from Rieka Roslan was also re-uploaded to the Instagram account of the All-Indonesian Composters Association (AKSI).

As is well known, Rieka is also part of the ACTION with other songwriters such as Ahmad Dhani, Piyu and Posan Tobing.

They often speak out regarding moral rights and economic rights for songwriters who feel they are not running well in Indonesia.

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