
JAKARTA - Indonesian music lovers are familiar with the name Peterpan. The band fronted by Ariel (vocals), Indra (bass), Lukman (guitar), Andika (keyboard), Uki (guitar), and Reza (drums) has fans of Bejibun. The songs are also popular with many groups. From old to young.

Kejayaan itu kemudian terganggu. Keluarnya Andika dan Indra jadi musbab. Nama Peterpan pun terancam tak lagi digunakan. Namun, mengganti nama band bukan perkara mudah. Ajian itu seperti mengulangi kejayaan band dari nol. Semua berubah saat sebuah digulis: NOAH.

A name, a story. That's what Peterpan employees agree with. The narrative was developed because long before the name Peterpan appeared, the personnel were actually busy. Everything is getting late in the creative process of creating songs and performing here and there.

No one had time to create a name. However, Andika came like a savior. He, who had just taken his mother from Jakarta via Puncak, came confidently. He said that on his way home he saw a bus satay restaurant called Peterpan.

The memory recording was then proposed by Andika as the name of the band. Instead of being rejected, the name was approved by all his colleagues. Since then the name Peterpan has witnessed the journey of Ariel, Indra, Lukman, Andika, Uki, and Reza to beat the Indonesian music scene.

Peterpan is like a windfall. The song The Perfect Dream exploded on the market. The song is included in a compilation album titled The 2002 Night Story (2002) belonging to Musica Studios. The result was amazing. The album sales figure reached 150,000 copies.

This success made Musica interested in signing Peterpan. The opportunity was not wasted by Ariel and his friends. The albumTaman Langit (2003) was also created. All the mainstay songs on the album were famous throughout the country. From Topeng to All the Deepest.

The success was also followed by other albums. Among others, Bintang in Heaven (2004), OST Alexandria (2005), Bright Days (2007), to a Name, A Story (2008). Not all album production went smoothly.

The process of making the album Hari yang Cerahjustru yang paling berat. Sebab, Ariel, Lukman, Reza and Uki harus memecat Indra dan Andika karena kesadaan visi. Sebagai tanggung jawab moral, nama Peterpan mulai ditinggalkan. AlbumSebuah Nama, Sebuah Ceritajadi album terakhir mereka menggunakan nama Peterpan.

Andika memang mengklaim dia yang netuin nama. Kalau kesepakatannya diganti apa-apa. Album berikutnya, kita masih terbatak kontrak sehingga masih menggunakan nama Peterpan. Setelah itu, kita akan baru mengganti nama. Nanti kalau fans keberolahan, kita akan bicara lagi, Ariel dikutip Wendy Purtanto dalam bukuRolling Stone Music Biz(2009).

Ariel, Lukman, Uki, and Reza also racked their brains in preparing a new name to replace Peterpan. They also had the idea to introduce the new band logo on the album A name, A Story. The band logo resembles the picture of the fur side by side with the name Peterpan.

Their socialization is also perpetuated by them through the latest official and merchandise websites. The narrative of the hair logo is considered a success. Moreover, Ariel and his friends' inspiration is not kidding. They tried to adopt Nike's success.

The world's famous shoe brand has succeeded in eliminating the name of the product because the logo is already known to the wider audience. Problems arise. The name Peterpan continues to be echoed by fans. Ariel and his friends are trying to speed up the business of looking for a new name. Even in the middle of the process, David (keyboard) is a new member.

The search for the name was not short. Moreover, Ariel had to languish in prison because of the exciting video scandal. The choice of Peterpan's replacement name also narrowed to two, Raokin and NOAH. Ariel asked Herry Sutresna alias Ucok Homicide to create an alternative logo for Raokin and NOAH.

The long-awaited day has come. After being released, Ariel began to talk about a suitable name again in 2012. Everyone agreed that the name NOAH was an option. Ariel and his friends understood that the name NOAH had been criticized by Musica for referring to the prophet.

However, they believe that the choice of the name NOAH plays their music citizens which refers to the meaning to comfort. Since then Ariel and his friends have repeated once again the glory that Peterpan has previously achieved. NOAH is also known throughout the country.

Esok the day 2 August 2013, at around 01:00 the NOAH personnel drove to Jakarta. Arriving at Musica at 15:00, Ariel immediately went to the 2nd floor. He wanted to explain to Musica, especially Mrs. Acin (Indrawati Widjaja), about the choice of name NOAH.

Just like his friends, Ariel explained to Mrs. Acin that the name NOAH was not related to the figure of the prophet. They refer more to the meaning of comfort which is considered in accordance with their musical concept. because the decision has been taken and the press conference is only two hours away, Mrs. Acin can only nod to agree," said Candra Gautama in the bookNOAH 6,903 miles: The Story Behind the Two-Country Concerts of Five Countries (2013).

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