
JAKARTA History today, 21 years ago, May 11, 2002, the Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek), Hatta Rajasa inaugurated the Museum of the Center for Adverse Sciences and Technology (Puspa Iptek) Sundial Bandung. The inauguration was carried out as a form of government support for developing innovative human resources (HR).

Previously, Megawati Soekarnoputri's government's commitment to developing science and technology was quite serious. Megawati learned a lot to her father, Soekarno. Technological advances are the key to catapulting Indonesia's name in the eyes of the world.

Science and technology are two keys that can make Indonesia a great nation. Soekarno agrees with this assumption. Big guys often fully support all kinds of science and technology research policies.

He even sent many sons of the nation to demand knowledge abroad. The assessment was carried out so that the sons of the nation who had studied and then returned home from building the country. Soekarno's power to prioritize innovation matters did not disappear when he died.

The spirit of advancing the industry was also continued by her son, Megawati. The Indonesian president stated that Indonesia needs to develop science and technology. Megawati emphasized this seriousness in a variety of policy products.

Even though Indonesia's economic condition is still not fine. Alias is still affected by the 1998 crisis. Megawati did not give up. He believes that advances in science and technology can be the beginning of producing innovative human resources.

Moreover, Megawati believes that this development can encourage the recovery of the national economy. This means that the Indonesian era in welcoming the new century of technology is in sight. The development is expected to have a major effect in all sectors.

In the midst of this difficult situation, President Megawati gave a vision that the entire research agenda of science and technology must be directed to accelerate the recovery of the national economy as quickly as possible. National research must provide stimulus and collaboration with the industrial world so that it can really answer challenges.

"Mrs. Mega said that the development of food technology, medicines, as well as other applied technologies needed to be carried out immediately. The President's directive is in accordance with my commitment to prioritizing the development of innovative human resources," said Minister of Research and Technology, Hatta Rajasa in the book The Brave Lady: Megawati in the records of the Mutual Cooperation Cabinet (2019).

Megawati's commitment to developing science and technology is agreed by her staff. Menristek, Hatta Rajasa is one of them. Hatta also has a similar mission to Megawati. He wants Indonesia to be able to produce creative and innovative human resources.

He did not want the mastery of science and technology to be developed by foreign nations. He wanted the nation's sons to have a part in this development. Hatta also began to perpetuate many policies to support his dream. In fact, he also supported the presence of a new science museum in Bandung, West Java.

The Puspa Iptek Sundial Museum, his name. The museum in Bandung was inaugurated by him on May 11, 2002. The inauguration was carried out so that the entire people of Bandung and its surroundings could take advantage of museums for learning, including the matter of learning the sun hours. Everything is to knit the dreams of the younger generation so that they are inspired to build a climate for research and innovation in Indonesia.

The building resembled a ship, inaugurated by the Minister of Research and Technology, Hatta Rajasa on May 11, 2002. The interior of the building was filled with various interactive props so that it could enrich the realm of visitors' knowledge, most of which consisted of students, from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, junior high to high school and vocational..

Some of the props include hanging bicycles, multi-control, eternal machines, floating world balls, hood hubs, plasma balls, cartoon films, racing balls, plasma balls, radiometers, mirage, Archimedes pumps, antigravity, hand batteries, fountain pots, look-up, voiced parabolic, etc. The props reflect the existence of mechanical, electronic, electronic, optical, audio, biological instruments, and so on, "explained Her Suganda in the book Tourism Parijs van Java (2011).

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