
JAKARTA Memories of today, 18 years ago, April 26, 2005, former President Megawati Soekarnoputri representing her late father, Bung Karno received the South African Class One Star Honorary Title. The honorary title was given directly by the President, Thabo Mbeki in South Africa.

Megawati also symbolically received pins, medals, sticks, and gold-plated badges. Previously, Bung Karno was considered to have a very important role for the existence of African countries.

Indonesia often takes resistance to colonialism and imperialism seriously. The narrative was even stated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution (UUD). Its contents state none other than that all colonialism above the world must be abolished.

Bung Karno also agreed with this. The number one person in Indonesia does not want all mankind, especially the Asian and African people, to continue to live in the shackles of colonialism. Bung Karno also set a strategy. He began to play his fun in the international political map.

He agreed that Indonesia would run as the host of an international celebration. The Asia Africa Conference (KAA), his name. The celebration made Indonesia's existence new to the world's age of corn known. Indonesia's first international celebration was held on April 18-24, 1955 in Bandung.

At that time, Indonesia succeeded in inviting 29 representatives of independent and almost independent countries throughout Asia and Africa to gather in developed cities. They then discussed many agendas. Mainly, related to colonialism above the world must be abolished.

The majority of Asian African countries present then agreed to support other countries fighting for independence. As a result, relations between countries in Asia and Africa are getting closer. They support each other. Soekarno was able to maintain good relations with many leaders in Asia and Africa.

The conference opened by President Soekarno as the host with the title of the speech 'Lahirlah Asia Baru and New Africa'. This Asia-Africa Conference gave birth to Dasa Sila Bandung, whose official name is Declaration on the Promotion of World Peace and Cooperation, this declaration inspires young countries who have just gained independence on these two continents.

Bung Karno's vision about the future of the tourism industry is very brilliant. The Indonesian nation should feel proud and happy to host one of the grand conferences, especially in the tourism sector," said Arifin Pasaribu in the book Hotel Indonesia (2014).

Soekarno's role, which is the mouthpiece of Asian and African countries, cannot be ostracized. Even though Soekarno himself is dead. The President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, who served from 1999 to 2008, did not forget Soekarno's services.

He considers Soekarno to have played a major role in the humanitarian struggle. As a form of appreciation, he awarded Bung Karno the Honorary Title of the South African First Class Star on April 26, 2005. Megawati Soekarnoputri also represented her late father in receiving the award in South Africa.

Megawati Soekarnoputri walked towards Thabo Mbeki, the President of South Africa who was waiting for her to hand over Soekarno's honorary title. President Mbeki handed over to Megawati a gold medal, pin, stick and badge.

The ceremony to award the honorary title from South Africa took place quickly on Tuesday night, April 26, 2005 at the Presidential Office in Pretoria. Megawati almost didn't have enough hands to carry out the gift items, but she could still lend her hand to express her gratitude. I saw this short scene on television, "explained Rosihan Anwar in the book 'Petite Histoire' Indonesia Volume 2(2004).

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