
YOGYAKARTA What is a vasectomi? Vasektomi is a contraceptive procedure for men that is carried out by cutting sperm from the sperm. However, this permanent contraceptive method does not prevent men from getting ejaculation and orgasm.

For more details, see information about what is a vasectomi, procedures and their safety effects in the following article.

Quoted from the Ai-Care page, the vasectomi is one type of contraception in a man who is permanent.

Vasektomi is carried out by cutting off or tying the drain of the cashed vas in men who function to distribute sperm.

This contraceptive method is very effective in preventing pregnancy by up to 99 percent. Even so, the vasectomi does not help protect itself from the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

Usually, men who have just undergone a vasectomi procedure will be asked to carry out further examinations about 8-16 weeks later. This is because there is still a possibility that sperm cells are in the exhaustive vassel channel so that they still have the potential to successfully perform fertilization.

During the examination, the doctor will ensure that there are no sperm cells in the penis channel so that pregnancy prevention efforts are effective.

The vasectomi procedure is divided into two types, namely the incision method and without incision. These two types of vasectomi procedures both aim to separate and close the end of the exhaustive vass channel so as to prevent sperm cells mixed with manifold water and released when a man has ejaculation. Here's the explanation:

Some men choose a vasectomi without an incision because it is considered less painful and has a lower risk of complications than the incision method.

After undergoing the vasectomi procedure, you may feel uncomfortable in the penis area because there is inflammation. To overcome this, the doctor will provide pain relievers to the side effects caused by the vasectomi disappear.

In addition, the doctor will also provide advice for you to provide a cold compress to the penis area during the first 36 hours after the vasectomi. This step aims to eliminate inflammation and overcome pain.

However, if you experience continuous swelling in your testes and bleeding accompanied by fever, you should immediately see a doctor.

Another side effect of the vasectomi is infection. However, usually this infection is minor and can be treated with antibiotics.

After undergoing the vasectomi procedure, you can still have sex with your partner without experiencing a decrease in sexual arousal.

That's information about what a vasectomi is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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