
JAKARTA - Rebecca Klopper is one of the celebrities who took part in the Palestinian Defense Action at Monas, Central Jakarta on Sunday, November 5 yesterday. She wore all-white clothes and brought the words of support to Palestine.

Not alone, Rebecca also went with several Aris colleagues such as Syifa Hadju, Atta Halilintar, Tariq Halilintar, and Aaliyah Massaid. Rebecca, who wore a batik motif scarf, shared a photo of herself in the activity.

However, it was not the praise that Rebecca got but criticism. He is called FOMO or Fear of Missing Out. In other sense,tip is considered just to follow suit without knowing the real purpose.

A netizen sent a message to Rebecca and suggested deleting her post because it caused a misunderstanding.

"Caption mu mba invites it so big it is uploaded directly to a gossip account. So it's the wrong thing to understand that you're just following the photo," wrote a netizen.

"I think you also have to introspect, ma'am, it's better to delete your status from the wrong one," he continued.

Rebecca Klopper then responded to the message and replied, "Yes, don't follow the gossip account if the result is like this. Yes, if you misunderstand, ask me, it's not just angry."

"Mba wants to be a fomous person, if you defend something good and right, you just have to be taught, not told to remain silent," said God.

Rebecca Klopper also received a similar message from someone else who said, 'Thousands of children are dead, you just follow.'

The artist only answered briefly because he did not want to prolong the fight with the netizen.

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