
JAKARTA - Educating children to be more disciplined is not an easy job for parents. Sometimes, when parents try to make their children more disciplined and orderly, they actually make mistakes that are not realized.

Well, to find out more, see some of the biggest mistakes that parents often make when disciplining their children, below.

Parents ask their children to respect them, but sometimes they forget that respect must be done in two directions. One of the mistakes parents often make when disciplining their children is shouting, speaking in harsh and angry tones, or even insulting their children. Giving and asking for compensation is one of the important tips that needs to be remembered in disciplining children.

Think about how you want to talk to if you are resolving conflict with adults, such as colleagues or relatives. Position yourself parallel to your child's eyes and discuss the existing problems in a gentle way (but remain firm) and respectful. As much as you are angry, try to stay calm.

Disciplined your child when you are clearly angry is clearly in the category that should not be done. When you reprimand your child when he is angry for his actions, you will most likely scream or say something you don't mean.

Take a few minutes to calm yourself down and think before talking to your child about his bad behavior. Giving yourself and your child time to reflect on the conflict can help you face the situation more calmly.

Providing a lengthy explanation and detail about the inappropriate behavior that children do is not a good idea. Children, even elementary school children who are getting better at paying attention, can easily lose track of overtailed discussions.

Tell the child frankly what his mistake is and explain it in a language that is easy to understand. For older children, talk about what went wrong and discuss the possibility of a scenario that could be a better choice. Meanwhile, younger children, simply state what behavior they are doing and why these behaviors are wrong.

Hearing the series of words 'don't' and 'no' is not' a fun thing for anyone, especially children. Focusing on mistakes made by children or things they shouldn't do instead of emphasizing what children should do can have a negative impact and regulate the atmosphere of your interaction.

Use an approach from a more positive point of view by discussing what your child can do better. If your child fusss or retaliates, show some examples of how to speak well and friendly.

Often parents forget that the goal of disciplining children is to provide strict guidelines and limits so that they do not need to be punished. Discipline means setting boundaries and hopes for children to know what they expect from themselves. The main goal is so that children learn to regulate themselves so they don't need to be punished.

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