
YOGYAKARTA The human brain is called an intellectual resource that at certain times its capabilities are limited. Many factors cause brain ability to decrease, but in psychological aspects, here are habits that make cognitive ability weaken.

At one point, thinking can increase imagination. However, according to licensed psychologist Guy totals, Ph.D., thinking about annoying events is frustrating. When thinking about the event, our thoughts are racing and raising emotions so that it burdens the brain. In addition to having an impact on cognitive function, thinking about bad things can also endanger emotional health.

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. When we do, we usually apologize or take action to overcome our feelings of guilt. However, when feelings of guilt are not overcome and repeatedly appear in the mind, this will interfere with cognitive abilities. Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, October 25, the solution is to forget the feeling of guilt in the right way and not harm each party.

Many people get a little bit struck during busy activities and pursue targets quickly. The problem is, every time we strike, we become frustrated and irritated. Not to mention sharing negative energy will damage the atmosphere of fun. So it's okay to complain, but complaining also needs to be effective so as not to drain energy that weakens brain strength.

Rejection is best accepted and analyzed productively. That is, analysis is necessary as long as it relates to increasing your capacity and abilities. Even though the processor causes emotional pain, it significantly affects the mood and has a serious impact on cognitive function. This also causes us to be critical of ourselves. This habit, critical of ourselves, prolongs the duration of emotions under pressure and interferes with cognitive abilities.

Many people don't think worry is dangerous. But in fact, this worry causes an uncomfortable and unpleasant emotional state. When disturbed by these feelings, it tends to rule out other priorities. It also interferes with your thinking and cognitive abilities in focusing on completing tasks.

The above is a habit that you need to manage so as not to reduce cognitive abilities. You can do positive things, for example by managing positive stress, anxiety, and self-talk so as not to criticize yourself.

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