
JAKARTA - Vino. G Bastian and Laura Basuki dominate the list of seeds for the 2023 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival. Both outperformed the comedy and drama genres where Vino was nominated for the third time.

Vino is favored to be one of the nominees for the three films he has played, namely Qodrat, Buya Hamka Vol. 1, and Hitmen. Laura Basuki also received the same total nominations from three films, namely Sleep Call, Retaliatory Cruel, and Check Store Next to 2.

The announcement of the Superior Film Horror was read by Nayla Denny Purnama, the comedy genre was read by Putri Delina, the drama genre was read by Luz Victoria, and the game genre was read by Rizky Fachrel.

The following is a list of FFWI XIII in 2023:

Best Main Actor1. Deva Mahendra - The Story Of Javanese Land: Pocong Gundul2. Vino G. Bastian - Qodrat3. Teuku Rifnu Wikana - Di Ambang Kematian4. Sudjiwo Tejo - Mangkujiwo 25. Ali Fikry - Time Maghrib

Best Lead Actress1.Laura Basuki - Sleep Call2. Mikha Tambayong - Sewu Dino3. Luna Maya - Suzzanna: Kliwon4 Friday Night. Yasamin Jasem - Khanzab5. Marsha Timothy - Qodrat

Aktor Pendukung Terbaik1. Iwa K. - Kisah Tanah Jawa: Pocong Gundul2. Kristo Immanuel - Sleep Call3. Tio Pakusadewo - Suzzanna: Malam Jumat Kliwon4. Bima Sena - Waktu Maghrib5. Wafda Saifan - Di Ambang Kematian

Best Supporting Actress1. Tika Brahani - Khanzab2. Della Dartyan - Sleep Call3. Karina Suwandi - Sewu Dino4. Taskya Namya - Suzzanna: Friday Night Kliwon5. Jajang C. Noer - Primbon

Best Screenwriter1. Fajar Nugros, Husein M. Atmodjo - Sleep Call2. Dimmawan Hatta, Anggy Umbara - Khanzab3. Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kashogi, Bayu Kurnia Prasetya, Sidharta Tata - Time Maghrib4. Erwanto Alfadullah - Di Ambang Kematian5. Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kashogi - Sewu Dino

Penata Kamera Terbaik1. Arfian - Kisah Tanah Jawa: Pocong Gundul2. Patrick Tahadian - Sewu Dino3. Hani Pradigya - Qodrat4. Dicky R. Maland - Khanzab5. Wendy Aga - Sleep Call

Best Image Editor1. Arifin Cu'unk, Fachrun Daud - Sewu Dino2. Trizkiyanto, Denny Rihardie - The Story of Javanese Land: Pocong Gundul3. Gita Miaji - Khanzab4. Teguh Raharjo - Qodrat5. Wawan I. Wibowo - Sleep Call

Best Director1. Charles Gozali - Qodrat2. Fajar Nugros - Sleep Call3. Anggy Umbara - Khanzab4. Kimo Stamboel - Sewu Dino5. Azhar Kinoi Lubis - Di Ambang Kematian

Film Terbaik1. Sleep Call2. Qodrat3. Khanzab4. Sewu Dino5. Di Ambang Kematian

Best Lead Actor1. Vino G. Bastian - Buya Hamka2. Reza Rahadian - Reply To Cruel 3. Kevin Ardilova - Autobiography4. Arswendy Bening Swara - Autobiography5. Derby Romero - Adventure of Sherina 2

Best Lead Actress1. Sheila Dara Aisha - Long Way Don't Forget To Go Home. Aurora Ribero - Like & Share3. Laura Basuki - Responds To Cruel4. Nadya Arina - Suhita5 Heart. Sherina Munaf - Sherina's Adventure 2

Best Supporting Actor1. Donny Damara - Buya Hamka2. Juan Bio One Subiantoro - Ballad si Roy3. Baim Wong - Retaliates Cruel4. Denny Sumargo - Perfect Strangers5. Ardit Erwandha - Adventure of Sherina 2

Best Supporting Actress1. Lutesha - Long Way Don't Forget To Go Home. Putri Ayudya - Gita Cinta From SMA3. Aulia Sarah - Like & Share4. Clara Bernadeth - Perfect Strangers5. Jessica Mila - Perfect Strangers

Best Screenwriter1. Makbul Mubarak - Autobiography2. Alim Sudio, Cassandra Massardi - Buya Hamka3. Teddy Soeriaatmadja, Rayya Makarim - Retaliates Cruel4. Alim Sudio - Perfect Strangers5. Honestly Prananto, Mira Lesmana, Riri Riza, Virania Munaf - Adventure of Sherina 2

Best Camera Arranger1. Ipung Rachmat Syaiful - Buya Hamka2. Batara - Perfect Stranger3. Deska Binarso - Like & Share4. Yoga Krispratama - Responds To Cruel 5. Yadi Sugandi - Adventure of Sherina 2

Best Image Editor1. Aline Jusria - Adventure of Sherina 22. Ryan Purwoko - Buya Hamka3. Aline Jusria - Like & Share4. Vera Lestafa - Retaliatory Cruel5. Ahmad Hasan - Dear David

Best Director1. Makbul Mubarak - Autobiography2. Fajar Bustomi - Buya Hamka3. Teddy Soeriaatmadja - Retaliating Cruel4. Rako Prijanto - Perfect Strangers5. Riri Riza - Adventure of Sherina 2

Best Film1. Autobiography2. Perfect Strangers3. Buya Hamka4. Reply To Cruel 5. Sherina's Adventure 2

Best Lead Actor1. Gilang Dirga - Star Syndrome2. Ernest Prakasa - Check Shop Next To 23. Emir Mahira - Onde Mande!4. Oka Antara - Odd Even5. Marthino Lio - Detective Keep Distance

Best Lead Actress1. Laura Basuki - Check Store Next To 22. Clara Bernadeth - Odd Even3. Shenina Cinnamon - Onde Mande!4. Syifa Hadju - 200 Pounds Beauty5. Kezia Aletheia - Star Syndrome

Best Supporting Actor1. Dion Wiyoko - Check Store Next to 22. Joshua Suherman - Odd Even 3. Jose Rizal - Onde Mande!4. Tanta Ginting - Star Syndrome5. Onadio Leonardo - Why Do You Love Me

Best Supporting Actress1. Adinia Wirasti - Check Store Next To 22. Maya Hasan - Check Store Next To 23. Tissa Biani - Star Syndrome4. TJ Ruth - Why Do You Love Me5. Asri Welas - Check Store Next To 2

Best Screenwriter1. Ernest Prakasa, Meira Anastasia - Check Store Next To 22. Paul Agusta - Onde Mande!3. Bene Dion Rajagukguk - Odd Even4. Rino Sarjono - Star Syndrome5. Rahabi Mandra, Syahrul Ramadhan - Detective Keep Distance

Penata Kamera Terbaik1. Mandella Majid - Onde Mande!2. Arfian - Check Shop Next To 23. Padri Nadeak - Odd Even4. Fahmy J Saad - Star Syndrome5. Fajar Jarwo Kuncoro - Scandal Makers

Best Image Editor1. Reynaldi Christanto - Onde Mande!2. Ryan Purwoko - Check Shop Next To 23. Ryan Purwoko - Odd Even4. Faidhotur Rachmah, Ahsan Adrian - Scandal Makers5. Ryan Purwoko - Star Syndrome

Best Director1. Ernest Prakasa - Check Store Next To 22. Paul Agusta - Onde Mande!3. Bene Dion Rajagukguk - Odd Even4. Soleh Solihun - Star Syndrome5. Rahabi Mandra - Detective Keep Distance

Best Film1. Check Shop Next To 22. Odd Even 3. Onde Mande4. Keep Distance 5. Star Syndrome

Best Lead Actor1. Abimana Aryasatya - The Big 42. Kristo Immanuel - The Big 43. Vino G. Bastian - Hitmen4. Arie Kriting - The Big 45. Bryan Domani - Virgo and theployings

Best Supporting Actor1. Reza Rahadian - Sri Asih2. Jefri Nichol - Sri Asih3. Marthino Lio - The Big 44. Dimas Anggara - Sri Asih5. Randy Pangalila - Sri Asih

Best Lead Actress1. Putri Marino - The Big 42. Lutesha - The Big 43. Pevita Pearce - Sri Asih4. Adhisty Zara - Virgo and themens5. Aurel Hermansyah - Ashiap Man

Best Supporting Actress1. Christine Hakim - Sri Asih2. Mawar Eva de Jongh - Virgo and themens3. Anggika Bolsterli - Hitmen4. Marsha Timothy - The Big 45. Satine Zaneta - Virgo and the airings

Penulis Skenario Terbaik1. Timo Tjahjanto,menuh Wattimena - The Big 42. Anggy Umbara - Hitmen3. Upi, Joko Anwar - Sri Asih4.men Wattimena, Rafki Hidayat - Virgo and themens5. Cassandra Massardi - Ashiap Man

Best Camera Arranger1. Muhammad Firdaus - Virgo and theployings2. Arfian - Sri Asih3. Cloudsjj - Hitmen4. Batara Goempar - The Big 45. Padri Nadeak - Ashiap Man

Best Image Editor1. Cesa David Luckmansyah, Apriady Fathullah Skumbang - Hitmen2. Dinda Amanda - The Big 43. Aline Jusria - Virgo and theployings4. Teguh Raharjo - Sri Asih5. Ryan Purwoko - Ashiap Man

Best Director1. Upi - Sri Asih2. Ody C. Harahap - Virgo and themens3. Timo Tjahjanto - The Big 44. Anggy Umbara - Hitmen5. Atta Halilintar - Ashiap Man

Best Film1. The Big 42. Sri Asih3. Virgo and theployings4. Hitmen5. Ashiap Man

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