JAKARTA - Amanda Manoppo with Aliando Syarief and Sara Wijayanto will decorate director Rocky Soraya's latest horror film entitled Indigo: What do you see?. The film itself will be screened simultaneously throughout Indonesian cinemas starting October 19.
Broadly speaking, the film Indigo tells the story of a girl named Zora (Amanda Manopo) who since childhood has the ability of the sixth senses, but finally her parents choose to cover Zora's ability.
After a few years, Zora's younger brother, Ninda (Nicole Rossi) experienced a scary incident and was able to see and hear supernatural things that were finally discovered when Ninda also had the sixth senses.
He was repeatedly disturbed by a figure named Widuri. Zora and Ninda assisted by Aksa (Aliando Syarief), Zora and Sekar's fianc (Sara Wijayanto) find out why Widuri was harassing these two brothers and how to destroy them.
This 2-hour film has a balanced scene between the supernatural and the action. Dialogue between players who use many psychological terms makes the audience better understand the feelings or situations that are being felt by the players.
The 'cursed' background faced by Zora and Ninda also has stories related to the everyday life of a human being. This indirectly gives a moral message to the audience to think about making every decision.
Furthermore, the existence of an element of mental health in this film makes the audience also aware that the indigo abilities possessed by Zora and Ninda in this film are not always fun. Disorders to disturb, from visual to voice can affect their normal life.
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Debuting in the first horror film, Amanda Manopo as one of the main stars in this film deserves thumbs up because of her acting which can be said to be very totality. This was shown when Amanda, who acted in dissipation, seemed to really convince the audience if she was really paralyzed by all forms of body motion, how to speak, to typical movements such as her turn off smile.
Finally, the shooting technique carried out in this film also adds to the horror and tense feelings of the audience where in a few moments, the player's expression is shown very well which eventually spreads to the audience. The appearance of the figures in this film is also unpredictable, so it becomes an intense horror shock for the audience.
Indigo: What do you see? is capable of being an interesting and new spectacle for horror lovers. Because in this film it not only provides a horror genre, but kinship and romantic relationships can also be conveyed properly so that viewers can still feel the warmth in this film apart from horror.
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