
JAKARTA - Codependence can be seen as an attitude of dependence on other people who are not healthy and usually start as a child. The exact reason for the occurrence of a codependence is not yet fully known.

If you believe you are experiencing signs of coding, there are several steps that can be taken to develop a healthy relationship, not only with yourself but also with your loved ones. Overcoming a codependence can be difficult. But the journey of a more independent life will yield good results for your own integrity.

Consider the following recommendations from Psych Central as a starting point in helping you become a more independent person.

One definition of coding includes a lack of clear personal boundaries. Individuals who like to depend on others, often have difficulty knowing what they want and may sacrifice their personal needs for others.

Setting boundaries allows you to understand more about yourself and show that you can listen to your body physically and emotionally. It also determines how you expect others to treat and respect you based on personal values and beliefs.

Consistent exercise is needed in building and maintaining healthy boundaries. Once you are able to identify the boundaries you want to set on yourself and others. You will be more independent and feel safe expressing your needs.

Studying communication skills can help you set healthy boundaries.

Both in friendship, family members, and partners, set boundaries that need to be established in all types of relationships.

If you are a passive communicator, most likely the need is not met, or you may follow what others say to avoid conflict.

Practice assertive communications will indicate that you are:

Try to give yourself space to reflect on thoughts before communicating with other people. The goal is to help you express yourself confidently. It doesn't take long, just take a breath three times to give yourself more time before responding during the conversation.

Individuals who are codependents often do not have self-confidence. If you try to be more independent, look for a hobby you like and do yourself. Finding a preferred activity can help get to know yourself and your interests.

One practice that can help you overcome codependence is behavioral activation. What is often used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help overcome depression. Research experts also suggest that this helps change identity and behavior.

If you need support, consider talking to a mental health expert to help you find activity that gives you joy and confidence.

Consider trying new things and trying to be more open about learning new skills. It may take time to find the activity you like, but this can give you a feeling of satisfaction if it is found.

Spending time alone, meditation, and refreshing yourself may give you confidence. A study in 2020 found that loneliness can have a positive impact on the well-being and mental health of adults if it is intentional.

The authors of the above study suggest that the long time away from peers and others allow one to rediscover themselves and away from stress triggers in life. He also argues that the lack of social pressure provides greater reflections on a person's thoughts, feelings, and values.

Spending time alone can help lower the level of depression, increase self-esteem, and build stronger emotional setting skills. Self-consisting can also help you develop these skills without others having to know what is on your mind and feelings.

If you have a codependent tendency, it may be difficult to let other people make their own decisions. It may be difficult to see someone you care about make decisions that harm yourself or you.

Remember that you can't control the behavior of others. You can only control your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Relieve responsibility for other people's happiness has a positive impact on your own happiness.

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