
JAKARTA - The previous problem has not been resolved, comedian Yadi Sembako was reported again by another victim named Ade Amelia Napitupulu who is an Event Organizer (EO) with the same case, namely Fraud and/or Embezzlement of Rp135 million. Ade has registered his report with the South Tangerang Metro Police as of Friday, October 6.

On this occasion, Ade tried to explain the chronology of fraud and/or embezzlement of money by this comedian whose real name is Suryadi Ishaq. Ade said Yadi gave a check for the payment of an event using his EO service.

However, when Ade tried to find the check on August 25 to the bank, it turned out that the money could not be disbursed. Seeing this, Ade asked to meet directly with Yadi Sembako and Gus Anom.

"Payment checks a week before the event, only then can I see that August 25th can be disbursed at the bank, when I check it can't be disbursed, so on the 25th I immediately meet them there, Yadi Sembako and Taufik, they said they said the funds had not been received, so we have to wait until Monday," said Ade Amelia at the South Tangerang Metro Police, Friday, October 6.

"Meanwhile, it was Saturday, so I said, 'Well, just ask for cash for payment for DP', if we want to do it, give DP cash. They can't give it, therefore I can't be there. That's why he changed the new EO, Mr. Andris," he continued.

This ultimately made Ade Amelia participate in reporting Yadi Sembako as well as Gus Anom to the authorities. Based on his attorney, Deddy DJ, this report is intended so that there are no more victims of Yadi Sembako and Gus Anom.

"So we have to stop this kind of behavior so that there are no other victims, so today it is according to our open subpoena 1 time 24 hours, we will make a report and we ask for attention for this case, because of what? This is a public figure, you know. The public figure is a role model, when he becomes a role model then when whatever he says is as if it is true, that's a concern, therefore our goal in this legal process is so that he doesn't repeat his actions that harm many people again," continued Deddy.

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