
JAKARTA - The webinar entitled: Looking for the Best Actor, the Role of the Studio, and the Artist Phenomenon from Social Media, Thursday, September 14, 2023. The webinar organized by the XIII 2023 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) committee presents resource persons Putri Ayudya and Verdi Solaiman.

At the beginning of Annisa Putri Ayudya's career journey, in early 2011, she witnessed that at that time the faces of foreigners and Indo descendants were selling to get a role and dominate the big screen of Indonesia. Then, the time is running. Taste slowly changes to exotic and local face. Where he can enter in it.

"We as actors and actresses are front liners, the front line in films and must have bargaining power. Having bargaining power is not just a fee. That is, we can be discussed and taken into account because we have artistic abilities," said Putri, who has played in the film Pursuing Embun in Europe, Tjokroaminoto; National Teacher, Kafir: Neksekutu with Satan, Gita Cinta from high school. The most recent is Devil's Day, and 13 Bombs in Jakarta.

For Putri Ayudya, popularity is not the only guarantee that she can be selected to get a role. Because of the popularity that has been built from social media with hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, the observations only apply when doing promos, or the possibility of airing on the first day.

"All producers will say we need actors, and we also need popularity on the other side. Acting will raise the quality of the film directly," said Putri Ayudya, who has a slogan of readiness, opportunity, and luck.

Meanwhile, Zulverdi Amos Solaiman, also known as Verdi Solaiman, said that a professional actor must be able to study and offer. Before casting, you must be ready to answer that need. "If a role like this, I have a style like this. The big theme is, what arguments will be given," he said.

The son of actor Hengky Solaiman gave an example, if he played in the film Romeo and Juliet. The theme of the great love can beat everything and even death. There is a really strong love.

"When for example, I play Juliet's father, my character is a barrier to love. Well, my character is there. So, good actors, you have to know what her character function is. Not only acting alone. But you have to have a vision with other players," said Verdi again.

For Verdi, the film players who appear based on fans base or popularity base, no matter how many followers, it is not a guarantee that the film will sell, let alone box office. Because our movie audience's user is totally different from abroad. "Outside the country, fans are willing to spend money to pay for his idol's work. But here it's not like that. On TV, a artist can be watched by millions of people. But when he plays movies, it's not necessarily the TV audience wants to buy tickets in theaters. TV is free, and cinemas pay," said Verdi Solaiman, who has been in the film field since 1982. Now besides being busy acting, directors, and producers, since 2020 managing the acting studio.

Meanwhile, Dra Ruliah Hasyim, Pamong Budaya Young Experts representing Ahmad Mahendra, Director of Film, Music and Media, Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology, in remarks admitting, on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, a number of actors usually use the platform to promote themselves about their work.

We can all easily find potential actors based on the names, locations, or types of jobs they do. And at the same time, in order to hone the actors, an actor can join groups and online casting forums. There are many online communities where actors and filmmakers can connect. These groups can be a great way to find actors who are looking for work," he said.

Ruliah Hasyim said, finding a good actor can be a challenge, But finding the right person for our film project is a useful thing. Finally, by using social media and other resources, we can find talented actors who will help us make great films! said Ruliah.

Meanwhile, the President of FFWI, Wina Armada Sukardi in his speech said, for the third FFWI webinar, a theme was deliberately chosen regarding the quality of the actors and the influence of social media on the world of actors. "This theme we chose because we considered it important. The field of acting is inseparable from film. Until now choosing the best actor has always been a debate in judging, including in FFWI for example," said Wina.

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