
YOGYAKARTA – In busy activities, many people need to maintain emotional health. This is not an easy thing, especially when you are too tired. The reason is, when you are tired your mind finds it difficult to compromise. Sometimes, being adventurous and thinking things out of context. So, you need to try simple ways to align your mind so that it is calmer and stress is controlled.

Stress can be experienced when you have many roles. Such as having a targeted job, looking after children, being a good and supportive friend, paying bills, cleaning the house, and saving for holidays. To fulfill all these roles, you have to use a lot of logic functions. This means that the mind needs to always be active even though the emotional side is wavy. Therefore, the following tips for aligning your mind to be calmer in carrying out many roles can be done.

1. Be down to earth

Earthing or grounding is done in many ways. Like walking on the grass, dipping your feet into the beach, and spending time in nature. This way, you can realize the things you are grateful for. Meditation and yoga can also help you focus, relieve stress, and nourish your soul.

Illustration of tips for aligning the mind (Freepik)

2. Practice self-love

Untangling the mess and finding resolution may not just take overnight. So start treating yourself the way you would treat your best friend. This means, be kind and love yourself. That way, you can be one step closer to being mentally healthy, free, and feeling at peace.

3. Be honest with yourself

A big part of healing or growing is recognizing and owning your behavior. Acknowledging behavior means being able to evaluate yourself and improve for the next stage. For this reason, you need to be honest with yourself so you can develop yourself.

4. Limit distractions

Negative influences can disrupt a person's focus. To limit distractions, you can limit screen time, maintain emotional control, and restore focus by managing feelings.

5. Get support

When going through difficult situations and lots of tasks, you can look for positive support. Whether from close friends, partners, family, or asking for help from professionals. According to Well of Harmony, Sunday, September 10, having a place to lean on for a moment can create a feeling of security and care.

It also helps keep things in perspective, mentally healthy, thoughts aligned, and helps devise strategies for doing differently.

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