
JAKARTA - Looking stylish is more than just following trends. It's about presenting yourself in a way that reflects your personality, builds confidence, and promotes overall well-being. This applies to both men and women.

For this reason, to make you look cooler, especially men, you can avoid the following eight dressing mistakes, reported by the Times of India, Tuesday, August 29.

Ill-fitting Clothing

Wearing clothes that are too big or too tight can detract from your overall appearance. Buy clothes in sizes that fit your body shape and give you a great look.

Too Complicated Motives

Mixing too many conflicting motifs can make your look too crowded. If you want to wear patterned clothing, choose a simple pattern and mix it with a simple top or bottom. For example, wear patterned clothes with plain cloth pants or jeans and vice versa.

Mismatched Shoes and Belts

Your belt and shoes should ideally match in color and style. A simple rule of thumb is to match a leather belt with leather shoes, to ensure a cohesive look.

Inappropriate Event Attire

Wearing casual clothes to a formal event or vice versa can be a huge faux pas. Wear a dress code appropriate to the type of event to show respect for the event owner and the people attending.

Socks Are Visible When Wearing Formal Shoes

When wearing dress shoes, choose no-show socks or socks that match the color of your pants to create a neat, clean look.

Excessive Accessories

Excessive accessories such as excessive jewelery or too many layers can make your outfit look messy. Choose a few well-coordinated accessories to spice up your look without overdoing it.

Wearing Outdated Shoes

Shoes are an important part of your wardrobe. Wearing shoes that are scuffed, worn, or dirty can take a toll on your overall appearance. Keep it clean and well groomed.

Ignoring Basic Color Coordination

Mismatched colors can create a disjointed look. Learn the basic principles of color coordination to create harmonious and stylish clothes. Neutral colors can be used as a reference if you want to start looking stylish.

By avoiding the fashion mistakes above and paying attention to the details of your appearance, you can improve your style and leave a positive impression wherever you go. Remember that dressing well is not only about following trends but also about expressing personality and presenting yourself in the best way possible.

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