
JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella's second child, Amala Putri Sabai, just celebrated her first birthday on Wednesday, August 23 yesterday. However, the child's birthday cannot be celebrated by his father.

As is well known, Ammar Zoni, who is currently dealing with drug abuse cases, is being held at Cipinang Prison. This week, the 30-year-old soap opera actor also underwent two trials.

Ammar Zoni, after undergoing a trial at the South Jakarta District Court (PN), could not stop his sadness because he could not celebrate with Amala's first birthday. He said that he could only pray for isyri and her children.

"I continue to pray for my family and my children," said Ammar Zoni at the South Jakarta District Court on Thursday, August 24.

There was no other comment from Ammar Zoni regarding his son's birthday. His attorney, Abdullah Emilr Oemar, said that Ammar in his current state continues to pray for his family.

"Obviously Ammar would like to express his gratitude for always praying for him, he also prayed for Ibel and his children, so that it would be best for them", Abdullah said.

Meanwhile, regarding Iris Bella's absence from the trial, who had never visited her in detention, Ammar saw no problem. He only hopes for prayers from his wife.

"For me, Irish comes or doesn't come, I'm sure he always wishes me the best," said Ammar Zoni.

Although he asked Iris Bella not to visit him in detention, Ammar could not hold back his tears because he missed his family.

Aditya Zoni, Ammar's younger brother, stated that his brother did not have the heart to see Irish Bella come to visit him in an inappropriate place.

"That's why Ammar feels sorry for Kak Ibel. If, for example, visiting the place is not appropriate, it's not appropriate. So sorry Sis Ibel," said Aditya Zoni.

"Moreover, yesterday the water (Ammar and Irish Bella's first child) was also sick. At that time Amala was also sick because Jakarta's pollution was also not good anymore. So it can't go anywhere," he said.

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