
JAKARTA - President of the XIII Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) in 2023, Wina Armada Sukardi, said that after being established at the national level, FFWI in the future will be designed to become a prestigious film festival at the ASEAN level. He explained this in a special coordination meeting to prepare for the judging of FFWI at the Novotel Hotel Cikini, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 23.

According to the film critic, the design will certainly be carried out in stages. First, FFWI will be used as a motorcycle taxi first. You do this by improving the various shortcomings that still exist. After that, in the future, it will begin with an assessment and award ASEAN films as well, and so on.

"I mean, making FFWI a prestigious film festival in ASEAN. This idea is part of placing Indonesia's cinema on the international film map," said this senior journalist.

Wina realized that this step was not very easy. However, Indonesian cultural journalists and films believe that the good goals they are fighting for will be realized," said this press legal expert and advocate.

Wina appointed the Asia Pacific Film Festival (FFAP) initiated by journalist and film figure Usmar Ismail with Djamaludin Malik, as a concrete example. At that time FFAP was just a fantasy and wishful thinking, but in the end it became a reality.

In this special meeting, it was discussed what clarity was the difference in the assessment in FFWI compared to other film festivals. FFWI does not want to just attend, but is not different from various film festivals in the country.

So far, the main difference between FFWI and other film festivals lies in the committee and judges as well as the genre of the film being assessed. The FFWI committee and judges all work as journalists.

In addition, in FFWI, all basic film genres, namely drama, comedy, match and horror, are assessed. Assessment both as a film as a whole and its elements. No wonder the number of trophies provided in FFWI reaches 40 pieces.

In this special meeting, it was found and it was agreed that the focus of the assessment would be prioritized by the FFWI jury. In accordance with the obligations, films that raise social relevance to the community, problems and character of the Indonesian nation become more values for the FFWI judges. Likewise, films display elements of regional culture as one of the more values given by FFWI.

"Of course all these advantages still have to meet good film standards," said Wina.

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