
YOGYAKARTA You may wonder why it teaches ideal responsibilities since the age of 12. Because at the previous age, you need to teach obligations first.

At the age of 12, children already know what their obligations are and have a lot of autonomy and the ability to take over their own responsibilities. Such as preparing for needs before leaving for school, when to go to school, to be responsible for schoolwork without having to be intensely monitored by parents. Even so, parents also still have a responsibility for their optimal development. Therefore, here are tips in teaching responsibilities to your children.

If it's usually you who remind less than 07.00 am to be ready to go to school, the responsible children have the opposite ability. They will have the ability to remind you to take them to school. It's okay if they 'fail' occasionally, but always give them the opportunity to improve the trial.

Completing the homework is the perfect task to teach responsibilities. You as supervisors supervise them taking and completing their own duties. Reported by VerywellFamily, Tuesday, August 22, doing homework not only helps children be more responsible, but can also increase their self-esteem and make them know how important it is for all family members to take part in completing their respective tasks.

It should be noted, make sure their duties are clearly explained. Regarding what to do and the deadline for completion is set. In addition, they must also know the consequences if the task is not carried out.

In completing responsibilities, children need supporting tools. It may sound simple, but make sure they have the tools they need to organize, be timely, and disciplined. Think about the responsibilities you still hold for your twelve-year-old, such as watching hours in the morning or before training, reminding them of homework, arranging school papers, and finding tools that will transfer the responsibility to your child.

As with any skill teaching, time setting is key to effectively teaching responsibility. New habits tend to be well maintained when introduced in relatively stable times. Therefore, avoid introducing new strategies when your child is in a transitional period to high school or when your child is very active in finding his identity.

Your child has faced so many emotional, social and academic challenges during this transition period that it is likely to maintain old habits for stability. It is better to build responsible habits long before the transition occurs or wait until the transition passes.

Transferred responsibility to teenagers is a healthy thing. However, don't demand excessive responsibility. Remember that teenagers are also still in growth. So take it occasionally or weekends to forget a little of its responsibilities.

If your child is not careful with his responsibilities, respect his efforts to fulfill his responsibilities. However, still give boundaries so that the tendency to be unobstructed fails his business. As long as the children are more responsible, everything will go well. But don't put too much pressure on them that makes them people who are not themselves. It is also important for parents to always reflect so that they always exemplify the behavior of responsibility for children.

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