
YOGYAKARTA Manipulative behavior refers to the efforts of a person who is able to shake the emotions of his partner. This behavior can interfere with mental health, which can be experienced by men and women. Manipulative people, often engage in subtleties to influence, control, and build unbalanced forces, especially in romantic relationships. Manipulative behavior that can shake emotions, among them as follows.

Comparing is a manipulator's tactic to hurt your heart and deny facts. Usually done by lying, covering up information based on facts, even silence can also be classified as manipulative behavior.

Gaslighting causes someone to question their reality. This can reduce self-esteem by denying the things that are said, distorting facts, and using other people's words to fight back. Someone who gets this treatment, can doubt themselves and not believe in their abilities.

Love bombing describes relationships that start from floods of attention and affection in a short time. For example, with communication that is too intense, gifts are expensive, and expressions are rushed, to serious steps that create red flags. Generally,lightish people use car aini to attract attention. Not without reason, but it would be better to try to open up and dialogue with your partner if you experience this behavior in your relationship.

Passive-aggressive behavior makes his partner depressed, because usually what is said does not match reality. Someone who behaves like this, reports VerywellHealth, Monday, August 14, may try to retaliate after being underestimated or offended.

The tactics in manipulating, by giving a lot of criticism and judging, are carried out to gain power by making others feel inadequate or humble. This behavior is unhealthy in a romantic relationship, because it does not provide opportunities for their partner to develop, they feel that they have fallen down a ladder. This also undermines trust, increases insecurity, and a bad image.

Everyone makes mistakes, but blaming is one way for persons to be manipulative to avoid responsibility. A manipulator can express guilt to others and cause guilt.

Instead of entertaining, aggressive humor can be cruel and painful behavior. Usually initiated to provide unfriendly comments or sarcastic jokes. This is meant by the manipulator to feel superior.

The seven behaviors above are manipulative behavior that makes love relationships not constructive but mentally dropping. To prevent this behavior from growing, couples need to promote assertive communication. That is, communicate openly, honestly, and express what their needs and desires are. In addition, it is also important that everyone who is paired accepts responsibility for action and contributes equally to healthy and harmonious relationships.

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