
JAKARTA - Pierre Gruno has become a suspect in the alleged abuse case committed against a person with the initials GDB at a hotel bar in Cilandak, South Jakarta.

Responding to the media crew's question about Pierre Gruno's condition when carrying out the persecution which was said to be drunk, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Irwandhy, said that the suspect was conscious even though he had previously consumed alcoholic beverages.

"But that doesn't mean the suspect is drunk. The suspect is conscious," said AKBP Irwandhy at a press conference at the South Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Friday, July 14.

Explaining what happened when the persecution took place, the Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, explained that Pierre was offended by the gesture of the victim's body.

"The suspect was offended by the gesture shown by the victim. This is a subjective assessment of the suspect. Because the suspect feels that his nickname has not been answered," said Kompol Henrikus Yossi.

"Feeling offended, the suspect approached the victim and asked why it was like that. Even though this was not done by the victim at all. So, this is a subjective assessment of the suspect," he continued.

Hendrikus said that the victim's colleague had intervened, but Pierre was said to have been emotional.

"The victim's colleagues tried to intervene but the suspect who had been emotional committed the crime of persecution," he said.

Akibat penganiayaan yang dilakukan Pierre Gruno, Irwandhy mengatakan bahwa korban mengalami luka-luka di beberapa bagian dan harus dirawat di rumah sakit.

The victim was immediately treated at the RSPI. After receiving information from the medical record, the victim suffered injuries, bruises on his face, temples, near his nose, suffered a fracture in the victim's nose, so he had to get further treatment," said Irwandhy.

For information, Pierre Gruno was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 5 years in prison. With the determination of the suspect, the senior actor will be detained for the next 20 days.

Pierre Gruno when he was named a suspect (Ivan Two Putra/VOI)

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