
YOGYAKARTA Sunbathing in the sun, not only boosts the body's immunity. But it also affects the hormones of happiness, serotonin and dopamine, and also increases sexual desire.

In the summer, many people take the time to bask in the morning. This is because it makes us happier, improves sleep quality, and lowers blood pressure. Research also proves, if you feel sexual desire increases in the summer, it's not a coincidence. The sun drives the release of serotonin and dopamine, both of which are associated with good feeling', pleasure, blood flow, and energy.

People who live in a four-season country also spend time in the sun sun sun sunbathing and getting additional vitamin D. According to the National Institutes of Health reported by Huffpost, Wednesday, June 21, this good addition is needed for erectile function and increasing sexual satisfaction.

In addition, one may sweat more in the dry season. Because it also plays a role in releasing fire, sexual attraction has the potential to be felt. Although some couples need to struggle to maximize libido, the research analyzed by Nature & Bloom shows survey results that the average partner only has sex 47 times a year. That is, less than once a week and there is a striking decline from 2021 and 2022.

The study also found that the number of couples meeting therapists and looking for rice to revive sex life fell 21 percent in June. This is thought to be due to the weather that seems to add to the atmosphere.

Sexual desire involves many things, including thoughts, preferences, joys, hopes, and orgasms. The mood is also strongly related to sexual desire. While fatigue and depression cause a lack of desire to be alone with a partner. Research published in PubMed, How Doesn't Summer Effect Sexual Desire, shows that sunlight increases vigilance and energy in humans. Besides increasing sunlight, it increases sexual activity.

The difference is different in the cold season. Sex passion drops in winter as the sun's intensity is less and serotonin production decreases. Serotonin is replaced by melatonin, this inhibits sex drive and may feel too lazy to do a lot of activities due to cold weather.

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