
YOGYAKARTA Stunting is a growth and development disorder experienced by children due to malnutrition, repeated infections, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Citing the WHO (World Health Organization) stunting page needs to be addressed immediately considering healthy growth is a marker of the risk of morbidity and mortality, non-communicable diseases in the future, as well as learning capacity and productivity. Healthy growth is also related to children's development, including cognitive, language, and sensory abilities.

President Jokowi at the 2023 Intern Supervision Coordination Meeting (Wasin) at the BPKP Office, East Jakarta, yesterday, Wednesday, June 14, said that solving the stunting problem must be concrete. The prexis is that the use of the allocated budget to solve the stunting problem must be optimal. Jokowi said, "If the Rp 10 billion is the budget, the others should be Rp. 2 billion, Rp. 8 billion (to be bought) eggs, fish, meat, vegetables, give it to stunting ones. The concrete is like that."

Because it is important to recognize the causes and ways to prevent stunting, here is a complete explanation of what causes stunting and prevention.

Specifically, stunting is a growth disorder in babies in the first 1000 days calculated from the lack of parental nutrition that plans pregnancy, fetal formation, to the age of 2 years. This growth disruption has functional consequences that harm children. Some of these consequences include cognition and poor education performance, low adult wages, productivity loss and, when accompanied by excessive weight gain in childhood, increased risk of chronic illness related to nutrition in adults.

Launching the website of the Ministry of Health, the Directorate General of Health Services, there are two categories that cause stunting. Among them, calorie intake is not strong or adequate and needs are increasing. Insufficient calorie intake can be driven by socio-economic issues (poorness), education and low knowledge regarding the practice of providing food for infants and toddlers, lack of animal protein in MPASI, neglect, cultural influences, and the inability of local foodstuffs.

Stunting can also be caused by congenital heart disease, cow's milk allergies, very low birth weight, congenital metabolic disorders, and chronic infections caused by personal hygiene and poor environment. In addition, stunting is also related to diseases that can be prevented by immunization. Such as tuberculosis (TBC), diffetry, pertussis, andcarption.

Prevention of stunting can be done by overcoming anemia, especially in young women before becoming mothers. Meanwhile, at a mature age and ready to plan pregnancy, it is recommended to routinely check the condition of pregnancy to a doctor. It is important again, to fulfill nutritional intake both during pregnancy such as adequate nutritious food, minerals, iron, folic acid, and iodine.

Launching a doctor Ayu Munawaroh's explanation, Ai Care's team of doctors, stunting must be shorter than the standard for children under five of their age. But those who are short are not necessarily stunted. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, one in four toddlers is malnourished.

The prevention methods can start from prospective fathers and prospective mothers planning marriage and pregnancy. For example, prospective mothers can consume folic acid, check hemoglobin, and take blood added tablets in case of anemia problem, "explained doctor Ayu. He added, for prospective fathers can consume zinc to improve sperm quality and stop smoking habits. For both of them, avoid a strict diet while planning pregnancy.

Shortly after the baby is born, immediately initiate Early Breastfeeding (IMD) to successfully run exclusive breast milk. In addition, it is mandatory to conduct regular examinations of doctors or Posyandu and Puskesmas to monitor child growth and development.

Another preventive measure that must be taken is to carry out routine immunizations implemented by the government so that children are protected from various diseases. Well, while providing exclusive breast milk for the child aged 6 months, mothers need to eat nutritious food. After the baby enters the MPASI age, provide healthy and nutritious food and monitor the periodic growth and development.

How to prevent stunting in addition to getting nutritional adequacy and periodic monitoring, it is also important to implement a clean lifestyle. For example, always washing your hands before eating, drinking clean water, defecating in latrines, healthy sanitation, and others.

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