
JAKARTA - Turpit breaks make you uncomfortable and can certainly damage your appearance. But with proper care and attention, heels can be healed easily. Want to know the tips? Read the full explanation below.

Soak feet: Start by soaking your feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes to soften your skin. Reporting from the Times of India, Thursday, June 15, you can also add some Epsom salt or some essential oil drops for additional benefits and relaxation.

Exfoliation: After soaking your feet, try exfoliating your leg's heels gently to remove dead skin in the leg area using floating stones, leg scrubs, or leg files. It's better not to think too hard because it can damage your skin. Regular exfoliation can help remove rough and dry skin in the heel and speed up healing.

Use a moisturizer: Apply a solid texture moisturizer or foot cream to your heels after washing and drying it. Look for products that contain ingredients such as urea, shea butter, coconut oil, or petroleum jelly, which helps lock the moisture and soften the skin. Apply a moisturizer to the heel every morning and before bed for the best results.

Wear comfortable footwear: Choose shoes or sandals with an open back that provides good support and allows your feet to breathe. Avoid wearing inappropriate shoes or made of synthetic material, because it can cause friction and worsen the condition of the heel breaking.

Use a specialbahsem or controls: Consider using a special sansem or heel ornaments formulated to cure cracked heels. This product usually contains ingredients such as salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, or lactic acid, which helps remove dead skin cells and improve skin regeneration.

Stay hydrated: Pour enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. Well-hydrated skin tends not to dry and fragment.

Wear socks while sleeping: Apply a large amount of moisturizer or petroleum jelly on your heels and wear a clean cotton socks before bed. This helps to seal moisture and allows petroleum jelly to work to repair skin cells overnight.

Avoid being exposed to water for too long: Excessive water exposure, especially hot water, can dry your skin and worsen your heels. If possible, minimize activities such as bathing for a long time, taking a hot bath, or swimming for a long time.

Implement a healthy diet: Ensure your diet includes foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, and minerals such as zinc and iron. These nutrients improve the health and healing of the skin. As well as fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and without protein fat in your diet.

Those are nine tips for dealing with broken heels that you can easily practice at home. If done consistently, the heel skin problem can be handled properly.

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