
JAKARTA - After a household conflict that leads to divorce, it is certainly difficult for parents to unite to raise their children. In fact, research shows that children will feel better if parents want to share custody. Because it is very important for parents to be involved in the lives of their children, even though the household has ended.

One way to do this is to apply parallel parenting. Parallel parenting patterns, launched WebMD, Wednesday, May 31, are a joint parenting method where parents who have divorced, interact semi-nimally maybe while maintaining good relations with their children.

This is a suitable parenting style if you and your ex-partner have complex relationship problems. Parallel parenting can be a long-term solution or a short-term strategy until you and your partner are able to put your ego aside and can work together again to raise children.

In parallel parenting, each parent has certain responsibilities and both carry out their respective daily duties without involving other parties. The exact details will depend on your parenting plans.

Some parents make joint decisions regarding the crucial aspects of children such as religion, school, and extracurricular. Then leave other decisions to parents who get child custody.

There are also those that involve third parties, where later he will determine a certain area for each parent and parent to be responsible for making decisions. In parallel care, parents also change schedules to attend children's events to reduce meeting times.

Parallel parenting allows parents to stay involved in their children's lives, even in high-conflict separations or divorces. Studies have shown that children get the best results when they spend at least 35 percent of their time with each parent. This applies even if one parent opposes common custody or parents are in a difficult situation.

The benefits of parallel parenting for children are to minimize behavior problems, prevent emotional disorders, form higher self-esteem, success in school achievement and better relationships with family.

The key to the success of parallel parenting depends on maintaining interactions with ex-partners to a minimum. Here are some things you can do to make parallel care successful for your family:

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