
YOGYAKARTA Covered with continuous worry will not make a fun life. Historical concerns, according to licensed psychologist Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D., are difficult to stop. But there are a number of ways that can be trained to improve welfare and reduce worry.

By reducing worry, we can feel more enjoyable and far from decreasing physical conditions, mental and emotional disorders. What are the important reasons to reduce worry? Here's Gillihan's explanation.

Tensions are sometimes a challenge to keep moving forward. Even so, concerns over a tense situation that is a mental event, have a profound effect on the body. In the body, tension makes the muscles of the shoulders and neck feel strong. So by releasing worries, it helps the body relax.

Stress due to continuous worry activates a 'fight-flight-freeze' response that makes us tired. Therefore, reducing worry can save energy and make us more productive.

Concerns make a person feel like waiting for a fall. If the worry is reduced, the nervous system relaxes as the neural system alarm no longer sounds a warning. That way, nervous because of constant worry it will decrease and be more effective for productivity.

When worried, a person can't think clearly. In fact, they don't even find the right solution to solve the problem. Often someone doesn't realize this. That the more worried the more you get a clear mind.

According to Gillihan, worry is defined as difficulty dealing with unknown things. When we are not too worried, we are better able to tolerate or even accept an uncertain future.

Clear thinking is related to mental conditions, as described on the 4th point. This is because concerns obscure thoughts and judgments making it difficult to make choices. Sometimes simple things can be very complicated and become a puzzle that is difficult to solve. However, try to reduce worry. So the mind is clearer and decisions will be more appropriate to make.

Concentration is closely related to the ability to make decisions. This will be better to get when the mind is clear and focused. But if you are filled with worry, concentration will be easily distracted so that it is difficult to focus.

Worried about locking the mind so stiff. The process of thinking is no longer flexible and difficult to think creatively. That's why it needs to reduce worry, namely to increase creativity in thinking.

It is very difficult to be patient and get through all problems with pleasure when filled with worry. Those who feel tense, always feel disturbed, restless, stiff, and have difficulty sleeping. So reducing worry can make it easier for you to manage anger and be able to get along with other people.

To reduce worry, Gillihan recommends three simple steps. First, the challenge of assumptions about worry helps solve problems and find a safer way. In fact, worry is a mental wheel that consumes energy and interferes with concentration.

Second recommendation, provide a sensory experience that helps you stay focused on what's really happening right now. Third, accept the possibilities you're afraid of. Gillihan's message, accept what you're worried about what's happening later is also beneficial. That way, you can recognize and control your boundaries.

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