
YOGYAKARTA There are dozens of almost hundreds of cat breeds with various colors and hair patterns. Some have long fur, some are short, and some have absolutely no fur. For cute and adorable types of short-footed cats, here's the list.

This energetic and friendly cat, has an average age of 9-12 years with colors ranging from black, brown, silver, and snow spots. Genetta cats are a dwarf breed that resembles a short-legged African cat. This short-legged cat breed is a mixture of Bengals, Savannas, and Munchkin.

In the past, the Minuet cat breed was called Napoleon. This short-legged cat breed has long fur, some have short hair. This Anabul likes to play and is loving who will often follow you around the house.

Dwelf cats are a friendly and fun hairy breed around people, reported PetKeen, Tuesday, May 9. Because they are not hairy, these anabuls tend to spend more time in warm areas in the house. Short and hairless legs affect expert concerns about breeding this cat breed.

Cats with short legs are fun and always happy. They also like to play and are smart. This cat breed has existed since the 1900s and is currently popular known. The colors and patterns of various fur are owned by the Skorokum cat breed.

The average age of a short-legged cat is thekinkalow race between 10-15 years old and white, black, two colors, or three colors. Thekinkalow cat is an adorable breed with short legs and curved ears. It is a mixture of descendants of American Curl and Munchkin cats. This sweet and cute cat is suitable for the family's favorite pets.

Minskin cats are a type of cat that is almost hairless and has various colors and patterns. His body is small with short legs and big eyes. These cats are very loving, but they are still very rare, and it may be difficult to find them.

The short-foot cat race and bright blue eyes are bambino cats. Even though they are not hairy, their skin can be the color of their hair. You can find them in some colors, including black, white, cream, and brown. These cats like to curl up, but their intelligence becomes naughty when they want something.

The tame and loving cat of the munchkin race, has short legs but its body and tail are like ordinary cats. Munchkin is the race of a natural mutation preserved by a Louisiana woman. The most prominent characteristic of the munchkin is in its bent legs and half the length of ordinary cats. The front legs are usually shorter than their back legs.

That's a cute and adorable type of short-legged cat. It's important to know, raising a cat at home requires commitment. Most importantly meeting their needs and ensuring that anabul is healthy.

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