
JAKARTA The veteran artist Lulu Tobing has again attracted attention. She filed for divorce from her husband, Bani Maulana Mulia. Surprisingly, this is the second time Lulu Tobing has filed for divorce from Soedarpo Sastrosatomo, the founder of PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk.

Despite being famous as a soap opera artist and film player, Lulu Tobing is a figure who rarely spits out his personal life. Until one occasion, the woman who was born on November 21, 1977, admitted to living a slow living lifestyle.

"I really live very slowly, yes. I'm not competitive with people, I'm not ambitious, I'm really slow. I haven't had ambitions in my life, so I just go with flow," said Lulu Tobing when she was a guest on Melanie Ricardo's Youtube channel, Monday (10/7/2023).

In the midst of today's fast-paced life, choosing slow living is not easy. Especially when we see other people's achievements that look smooth. However, slow living needs to be done as a pause in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life.

The popularity of slow living has continued to increase in recent years. But actually slow living has grown since the 1980s in Rome.

Uniquely, the concept of slow living justru stems from the opening of McDonald's outlets in the Italian capital. Quoted by The Good Trade, at that time the restaurant was the largest McDonald's in the world and threatened traditional Italian food, sparking protests from Italians.

In response, political activist Carlo Petrini founded the 1989 International Slow Food movement, which concentrates traditionally prepared local food that contradicts fast food'. Simply put, slow living was originally created to oppose fast food culture.

Over time, slow living covered many aspects. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, the slow living movement was popular because at that time almost everyone was forced to pause from the hustle and bustle of life.

The increasing interest in the concept of slow living during the pandemic is evidenced by a Google report, which says there is a quadruple increase in the number of YouTube videos with the title slow living from 2019 to 2020.

But in the midst of its popularity, slow living is often associated with a lifestyle that can only be applied by the upper class or at least those who are sufficient. Because to enjoy a more relaxed life, only people who are stable in finance can do it.

In fact, this is not the case. Several examples of slow living practices include reducing consumption and trying to buy quality goods longer. Reduce the use of social media and cook your own food, including the example of slow living.

CitingGroov, slow living is a movement in which one decides to live a more balanced and meaningful life by slowing everything down and appreciating the world around them and what they have.

Meanwhile, some people define slow living just as if they spend more time taking care of themselves. There are also those who define this as an attempt to stay away from traditional' goals in order to pursue a more relaxed life.

In addition, clinical psychologist Veronica Adesla explained, slow living is a lifestyle related to living a more meaningful life.

"Slow living is a lifestyle based on life's thoughts with more meaning and in accordance with what you value the most in life," said Veronica.

"The way is to do everything at the right speed, slow down, and not rush, but focus more on doing it better," continued Veronica.

Regarding Lulu Tobing's words without ambition, clinical psychologist Anastasia Sari Dewi said it was normal. According to Sari, the most important thing in life is to ensure oneself as an individual who carries out his function in life.

"People do something, there must be a taste that suits them. Slow living does seem to live without ambition,mindful with what they currently have," said Sari.

Although slow living seems without ambition, Sari said that it does not mean that slow living actors just remain silent without doing anything. Slow living is different from laziness.

"Make sure when undergoing slow living, the function of development at your age continues. If you are working at the age of a worker, you are still working. Slow living is just a style, method, or just a method. But his function as an individual according to his age needs to keep going. He is mentally healthy," said Sari again.

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