
JAKARTA In the midst of the Indonesian spirit in modernizing the main weapon system (defense equipment) of the TNI, there has been a dilemma related to the selection of the range of use or the age of the desired weaponry. Want to buy a new or used defense equipment?

As is currently a hot topic of discussion on various media platforms, namely the purchase of the former Mirage 2000-5 fighter belonging to the Qatar Air Force worth IDR 12 trillion through the arms purchase agent from the Republic of Cezchia, totaling International.

The reason for the purchase of the defense equipment has been given by the Indonesian government through Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, namely the urgent need because Indonesia's combat observer is old. In addition to preparing for the arrival of new fighter aircraft from France, Rafale. However, criticism and even satire are no less aggressive.

Actually, the purchase of used defense equipment is a common thing for Indonesia. Even since the era of President Soekarno's rule, the purchase of used defense equipment has been made. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) data, from 1960 to 1964, Indonesia had purchased 12 former warships of various types from the Soviet Union. The project, named Project 613, is in the form of procurement of several types of warships ranging from submarines, frigates, explorers, mine sweepers, to patrol boats.

In the era of President Suharto's administration, the purchase of used defense equipment also occurred. If in the era of the Old Order the purchase of weapons refers to the Eastern block, then during the New Order the orientation will switch to the Western block.

As was done in 1973-1974, Indonesia purchased two used warships from Australia, codenamed Attack 3. Of course, the most horrendous event in terms of defense equipment in the New Order era was the purchase of 39 used warships from East Germany in 1994.

The main focus was not on the condition of the former East German warship, but in terms of the accompanying corruption. At that time, BJ Habibie was appointed as a negotiator. Habibie managed to reach an agreement with the purchase value of 12.5 million US dollars.

However, at the time of payment, the purchase value of the former East German defense equipment swelled 62 times, to 1.1 billion US dollars. The news made big news and made President Suharto angry. As a result, three mass media: Tempo Magazine, Tabloid Detik, and Editor Magazine were circulated.

Not only from East Germany, Indonesia has even received defense equipment grants from Southeast Asian countries such as Brunei Darusallam and Singapore.

The era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the purchase of used defense equipment is also still ongoing. During the second administration of SBY, 2009-2014, Indonesia had budgeted the purchase of 6 new F-16 fighter aircraft from the United States. However, in practice, the plan changed.

The purchase of six new fighter aircraft was converted into the purchase plus reconditioning of 24 used F-16 aircraft from the US in 2012. The Minister of Defense at that time, Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that the former US aircraft was in accordance with Indonesia's needs, even without needing to be reconditioned.

"The budget that we used earlier was to buy six F16 aircraft, now we are using the 24 upgrade, but now we are offer10 again. If the plane is not brand new even if it has been upgraded, the engine is good, avionic and airframebagus, that's enough," said Purnomo as quoted by BBC Indonesia on June 14, 2013.

Not failing to buy the former US F-16 has drawn criticism, as is the case today with the purchase of Mirage 2000 from the former Qatar Air Force.

"Maintenance and reconditioning are also big costs. Not sophisticated use, later it will even burden. The budget for 6 aircraft is 600 million US dollars, now the reconditioning for 24 aircraft is even 700 million US dollars," said PDI-P politician, TB Hasanuddin at the time.

TB Hasanuddin also criticized the current purchase of Mirage 2000.

"Mr. Jokowi's orders are clear so that defense strengthening uses modern defense equipment and as much as possible rely on the ability of the domestic defense equipment industry," said Hasanuddin, a retired Indonesian Army officer with the rank of Major General who is also a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Hasanuddin added that the purchase of defense equipment, especially if used, is not an urgent need at this time.

"What conditions are urgent until we have to buy an old plane. If we are in a hurry with the reason that we need a replacement plane in the near future, why for example not take the Mirage 2000-9 aircraft belonging to the United Arab Emirates which also wants to be sold, this is younger than Qatar's Mirage 2000-5," Hasanuddin said again.

In a limited meeting of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet regarding the policy of purchasing defense equipment at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta on November 22, 2019, President Jokowi had instructed a bit of Indonesia not to buy used defense equipment anymore.

"This will affect the pattern of war in the future. Do not let the procurement of defense equipment with technology that is outdated, has been left behind and does not match the pattern of war in the future," said Jokowi.

President Jokowi also emphasized that the orientation of procurement of defense equipment is not on budget absorption. The existing budget is spent as much as possible, with project orientation. Jokowi wants such actions to be stopped, and replaced with a vision of cooperation strategies to increase the independence and competitiveness of the Indonesian nation.

The DPR Expert who is also an alumnus of Defense Science Master at the Defense University, Fahmi Alfinsi P Pane in writing in Kompas reviewed the risks that must be borne by the state of the used defense equipment operator.

Another problem is that over time maintenance, repair, and defense equipment operations will increase. Davies et al's research in 2012 entitled Intergeneralized Equipment Cost Escalation shows the annual cost of fighter aircraft growing 5.8 percent. The annual cost of frigates grew 4.3 percent, while the cost of the main fighting tank grew 5.9 percent, Fahmi wrote in his review.

The problem that Mirage 2000 will face is even greater, because throughout history Indonesia has never operated French-made fighter aircraft. Indonesia will only operate French warplanes in 2026, namely when the arrival of the new Rafale jet which was ordered as many as 42 pieces last year.

The procurement of Mirage 2000 from Qatar, which is not an aircraft producing country, also carries the risk that Indonesia will not be able to fulfill its obligations, as stipulated in Law No. 16/2012 article 43 paragraph 5.

The law on the Defense Industry regulates that the procurement of defense and security equipment from abroad must meet the requirements, including: there is the participation of the domestic defense industry, the obligation to transfer technology, the absence of potential embargoes, trade returns, as well as local content and offsets (compensation).

The situation faced in the purchase of the used Mirage 2000 and the new Rafale is clearly very different. In the purchase of Mirage, the national defense industry such as PT Pindad and PT Dirgantara Indonesia will not be involved. In contrast to the purchase of Rafale, which must involve both SOEs in the field of defense industry in the field of technology transfer, maintenance, production of ammunition and components, research, and more.

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