
JAKARTA Cases of violence against women in the personal realm by girlfriends and ex-girlfriends are complaints that dominate the Komnas Perempuan service institution during 2022. The victims are women aged 16-24 years.

They experienced various forms of violence. Overall, of the 3,773 complaints received by Komnas Perempuan, 1,494 were cases of psychological violence. Then, 1,086 cases of sexual violence such as sexual intercourse, electronic-based sexual violence, harassment, obscenity, and rape.

Also, other forms of violence, such as physical violence, and economic violence. This, said child observer and education Retno Listyarti, is certainly very disturbing. Threatening the psychological development of Indonesian teenagers, especially young women.

This is because women who usually get blasphemy when violence occurs even though they are victims. It is considered that women are not good, cannot take care of themselves, and all kinds of other bad things.

"For example, the latest case of the exciting video RK (Rebecca Klopper). It has been sacrificed as well. Until the substance of the criminal act of the person who spread pornographic content suspected of being RK's ex-girlfriend was forgotten by the public," Retno said in his statement to VOI on May 27, 2023.

Violence in dating or dating violence, according to Retno, has actually occurred frequently, but has not received attention from both the perpetrator and the victim.

The crime began with psychological violence through insults, often threatening, to be too possessive.

The limited understanding of self and relationship has resulted in many teenage girls considering activity restrictions to be normal, even being considered a form of concern and affection from their partners, said Retno.

In fact, it's just a sign. Because, from just psychological violence it often proceeds to physical violence, such as hitting, slapping, kicking, pushing, and a series of other physical actions when there is resistance.

Or it can also lead to sexual violence such as hugging, kissing, touching, and forcing partners to have sex, rape, and other forms. In some cases, economic violence was also found. The perpetrator threatens to make a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend ask for all the needs of their life. If they don't follow, the perpetrator will distribute personal photos for example. Be careful, "said Retno.

In fact, parents must participate in monitoring teenage behavior. However, they still need education that in a healthy relationship, couples should respect each other certain boundaries. Couples who cannot control anger emotions are prone to violence.

History of in-family violence, compensation of feelings of inferiority or self-esteem, understanding that violence will solve problems, as well as personality that tends to exploit partners can also be a factor in the cause of dating violence.

According to Retno, there are several signs of dating violence that need to be known, namely:

So, recognize your candidate as a whole before starting a relationship. Don't make decisions too quickly. Dare to take a stand by saying 'no' and stopping relationships when accepting acts of violence. It's also good to introduce to the family," he added.

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